MODEL 54eA | SECTION 5.0 |
TABLE 5-1. Program Settings List (continued)
CONFIGURE (continued) |
C. Alarms (Section 5.7) (continued) |
| |
3. Alarm 1 setup (TPC) |
a. Setpoint |
if oxygen (ppm) |
| 1 ppm | |
if oxygen (ppb) |
| 100 ppb | |
if oxygen (% saturation) |
| 0 to 200% | 100% |
if chlorine, monochloramine, or ozone | 1.0 ppm | ||
if pH |
| 7.00 | |
if temperature |
| 25°C | |
b. Proportional |
| 0 to 299.9% | 100 % |
c. Integral |
| 0 to 2999 sec | 0 sec |
d. Derivative |
| 0 to 299.9% | 0.0% |
e. Time period |
| 10 to 2999 sec | 30 sec |
f. LRV (100% on) |
if oxygen (ppm) |
| 0 ppm | |
if oxygen (ppb) |
| 0 ppb | |
if oxygen (% saturation) |
| 0 to 200% | 0% |
if chlorine, monochloramine, or ozone | 0 ppm | ||
if pH |
| 0.00 | |
if temperature |
| 0°C | |
g. URV (100% off) |
if oxygen (ppm) |
| 2 ppm | |
if oxygen (ppb) |
| 100 ppb | |
if oxygen (% saturation) |
| 0 to 200% | 200% |
if chlorine, monochloramine, or ozone | 2 ppm | ||
if pH |
| 2.00 | |
if temperature |
| 100°C | |
h. Relay fault |
| None, open, or closed | None |
4. Alarm 2 Control |
a. Activation method | Oxygen, chlorine, monochloramine, ozone, temperature, pH | Oxygen | |
b. Control mode |
| Normal or TPC | Normal |
5. Alarm 2 setup (normal) |
a. Configuration |
| Low, high, or off | Low |
Rest of alarm 2 setup is the same as alarm 1
6.Alarm 3 control and setup is the same as alarm 1
7.Alarm 4 control
Alarm | Fault or off | Fault |
8. Feed limit timer |
a. Feed limit | Disable, alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 | Disable |
b. Timeout value | 0 to 10,800 sec | 600 sec |
9. Interval timer |
a. Select alarm | Disable, alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 | Disable |
b. Interval time | 0 to 999.9 hr | 24.0 hr |
c. Repeats | 1 to 60 | 1 |
d. On time | 0 to 2999 sec | 120 sec |
e. Off time | 0 to 2999 sec | 1 sec |
f. Recovery time | 0 to 999 sec | 600 sec |
| Continued on the following page |