Instruction book
2.Use the ↓ key to scroll until the option "Clock function" is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press the tabulator key (5), following screen appears:
Clock Function |
| Not activated | → |
| ||
Menu | Modify | Delete |
F1 | F2 | F3 |
Deleting all commands
Press the key "Delete" (F3) in the screen above. A question to confirm the deleting operation will appear.
Deleting all commands related to a specific day
Scroll through the display until the desired day is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press the key "Delete" (F3). A question to confirm the deleting operation will appear.
Deleting a specific start/stop/pressure band command
Scroll through the display until the desired start, stop, pressure band 1 or pressure band 2 command line is followed by symbol ┤. Press the key "Delete" (F3). A question to confirm the deleting operation will appear.
8.12 Configuration menu
To reprogram a number of parameters. See Fig. 8.1.
1.Starting from the Main screen (see section 8.1.2):
-press the key "Menu" (F1)
-press the ↓ key until the option "Modify parameters" is followed by a horizontal arrow
-press the tabulator key (5) to activate the menu
2.Use the ↓ key to scroll until the option "Configuration" is followed by a horizontal arrow.
3.Press the tabulator key (5): The first option shown is "C.C.M" (Compressor Control Mode). If another option is desired, scroll through the display (using ↓ or ↑ keys) until the option is followed by symbol ┤.
4.In case of option "Time", the first line indicates the actual setting, e.g. 14:30 followed by symbol ┤.
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