Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Device General Status
This polling interval controls how often the Hub View Front Panel Information, such as Uptime, Device Name, etc., and some network, module, and port status information is updated.
Device Configuration
Indicates when SPMA polls the device for the type of equipment installed in the
Port Operational State
Indicates at what interval SPMA polls the device for the status of the individual ports. This is represented in the
This polling interval controls how often the Statistics windows are refreshed. The Statistics windows are available from the Device and Station Port menus.
SPMA generates network traffic when it retrieves the information described above; keep in mind that shorter intervals mean increased network traffic. Range limits for these polling times are
You can save changes made to the polling window as defaults. After you have saved a polling configuration as a default it will be used as the polling interval each time you open the window while the Use Defaults option is selected. These update intervals will replace your current default values. To save your changes as defaults for all your Token Ring Management Modules:
1.Change the Polling Intervals as necessary (follow the steps in the section above).
2.Select the Save as Defaults option.
3.Click mouse button 1 on to save the changes you have made to the window. The polling intervals you have entered will now be used as the default values for all Token Ring Management Modules.
If you have made changes to the Polling Interval window, but have not saved them as defaults, you can revert to the default values by selecting the Use Defaults option. If you leave this option selected, the window will appear with the default values each time you open the window. Use the following steps to activate this option:
1.Select the Use Defaults option from the Polling Intervals window.
2.Click mouse button 1 on to save the Use Defaults option. Subsequent openings of the Polling Interval window will use default values.
Managing the Hub at the Device Level |