LanNet Manager | IBM’s Token Ring LAN Network Manager. |
Other | All other protocols not described above. |
Frame Sizes
Frame Sizes are only available for Ring Pie Charts and Meters. Frame Sizes displays the number of packets counted on the ring of the following sizes:
•Up to 63 bytes
•64 to 127
•128 to 255
•256 to 511
•512 to 1023
•1024 to 2047
•2048 to 4095
•4096 and up
Isolating Errors
Isolating errors report the region of a fault, therefore pointing out where on the ring the problem is occurring. Isolating errors include line, internal, burst, A/C, and abort errors, described below.
Line Errors
A line error occurs when there is a coding violation in the data part of the frame. A power surge on the ring may cause the data portion of a frame or token to be corrupted. It is the equivalent to an Ethernet CRC error in both cause (usually electronic noise along the ring medium or other cable problems) and effect. These errors are counted, but initiate no other recovery procedures.
Burst Error
A burst error occurs when five
AC Error
AC errors indicate that the reporting station’s NAUN is faulty, because it is unable to report its address.
Ring and Station Variables |