Using the TRMMIM Hub View
2.Drag down to Enable Ports, drag right to All Station Ports, All Ring Ports, or All Ports, and release.
Managing the Hub at the Port Level
At the Station or Ring port level, you can convert a station port into a
Converting a Station Port to a Ring-out Port
If you are monitoring a TRXMIM or a 93 Series Token Ring MIM (the TRMIM 22A/24A/ 42A/44A), you have the ability to switch the function of a station port to that of a
To convert a station port on a TRXMIM or a 93 Series TRMIM into a
1.Click mouse button 3 in the Port Index or Port Status box to display the Station Port menu.
2.Drag down to Enable Ring Out and release to convert the station port into a
The converted port will assume full functionality of a
To convert the
1.Click mouse button 3 in the Port Index or Port Status box to display the Ring Port menu.
2.Drag down to Disable Ring Out and release to revert the functionality of the port back to a station port.
Enabling and Disabling Station and Ring Ports
You can enable ports from the Module menu, which affects all ports on a single module. You can enable and disable ports from the Station Port and Ring Port menus, which affect individual ports.
To enable or disable an individual station or ring port:
1.Click mouse button 1 on the Station or Ring Port Status box to toggle the port On or Off. Enabled ports are yellow, disabled ports are blue.
Managing the Hub at the Port Level |