Chapter 1
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
The TRMMIM; how to use the TRMMIM User’s Guide; manual conventions; contacting Cabletron Technical Support; TRMMIM firmware versions supported by SPMA
The TRMMIM™ is an intelligent Token Ring management module designed to be used in a
Using the TRMMIM User’s Guide
Your SPECTRUM Portable Management Application (SPMA) for the TRMMIM consists of a number of different applications, each of which provides a portion of the overall management functionality. Each of these applications can be accessed from the icon menu (if you are using a management platform), from the Hub View (which is a graphical display of the
The TRMMIM User’s Guide describes how to use many of the applications included with the module; note that the instructions provided in this guide apply to the TRMMIM module regardless of the operating system or management platform you are using. Instructions for launching each individual function from the command line
Following are descriptions of the applications detailed in this guide; while we provide as much background information as we can, we do assume that you’re familiar with Token Ring networks and general network management concepts.