Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Using the FNB Display option from the Device menu, you can change the FNB index (see Figure 2-4) for all boards in the Hub View. By default, all boards in the Hub View initially display FNB 1. When you change the FNB Display, the Hub View will change to show each board’s relationship with the selected FNB. Hub View features that will change include:
•The FNB index, which will display the index for the selected FNB.
•The FNB Bypass State, which will change to show the bypass state (INS, BYP, or ---) for each module with respect to the selected FNB. If FNB 2, 3, or 4 are selected, non-port switching modules in the chassis will display ---, indicating that no connection is possible with the selected FNB. To change the FNB Bypass State, see Controlling Token Ring FNB Multiplexer Connections, on page 2-28.
•The FNB Status/Control symbols, which will display each module’s relationship with its neighbors with respect to the selected FNB. If FNB 2, 3, or 4 are selected, no FNB Status/Control symbols will be present for non-port switching modules in the chassis. For information on manipulating the FNB Status/Control symbols, see Controlling Token Ring FNB Multiplexer Connections, on page 2-28.
To change the FNB display for all boards in the Hub View:
1.Click on
to display the Device menu.
2.Drag down to FNB Display, then right to select FNB 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Monitoring Hub Performance
The information displayed in the Hub View can give you a quick summary of a device’s activity, status, and configuration. SPMA can also provide further details via its four-level menu structure. The Device, Module, Station Port, and Ring Port menus (Figure 2-5, below) give you control over the hub at these four levels and give you access to the tools, menus, and windows which let you monitor specific aspects of hub performance, change hub display options, and set TRMMIM operating and notification parameters. Some of the same functions are available at all four levels; keep in mind, however, that functions accessed from the device menu will provide information about and control all the modules in a hub or in the first ring detected by the management board, while the functions accessed from the module or port menus provide information about and control a single module or port.