Ring Map
2.In the Enter text field, type in one of the following:
a.The physical drop number (four ASCII characters)
b.The board and port index
c.The station name (up to 10 ASCII characters); note that this is case sensitive, and the name must be typed exactly as it was assigned
d.The MAC Address of interest (six hexadecimal bytes – each byte separated by a colon).
3.Click on .
If found, the specified station will be highlighted in the map.
If not found, you will receive an error message stating that the specified station
does not exist in the map. Click on to exit the Find window.
Searching for the Active Monitor, Ring Management Station, or Last Beaconing Station
Find Active Monitor, Find Management Station, and Find Last Beacon allow you to quickly discover the ring network’s active monitor and its ring management station, as well as the last station reporting a hardware failure.
Finding the Active Monitor on the Network
The Active Monitor is the station responsible for setting timing functions for the ring, activating hardware to remove an improperly circulating frame or token, purging the ring to restore it to normal condition, and starting the ring poll process, among other duties.
In the Ring Map window, its label is displayed in green to differentiate it from other stations. However, in a ring network with many stations, it may be inconvenient to scroll through the map to find the Active Monitor. The Find
1. Click on
, and drag down to select Active Monitor.
The current active monitor will appear highlighted in the Ring Map window, and the display will shift if necessary.
Using the Find Options |