TRMMIM MIB Structure
The TRMMIM MIB consists of the following components:
Chassis MGR
The Chassis MGR MIB component contains most of the basic information about the TRMMIM, the chassis it is controlling, and the other modules installed in that chassis, including: chassis type, backplane type, number of slots, which module types and names are installed in which slots, the TRMMIM’s MIB component information (in the chCompTable), device and module names, hardware revision numbers, MAC and IP addresses, the current time and date, and information related to alarms, ring security, and TFTP download. The following groups from
The TRMMIM LM, or Local Management, component contains the objects that provide
Protocol Stack
The Protocol Stack MIB component is the IP stack for
SNMP Agent
The SNMP agent MIB component contains the objects that provide the TRMMIM with its IP functionality - essentially, those functions which allow the device to operate over a network - including functions such as ping, Telnet, and TFTP.
Network One, Network Two
The Network MIB components contain all of the objects related to basic Token Ring operation, including ring name, port counts, port enable and disable, ring state, ring speed, active monitor, information about each station inserted on the ring, error status, and packet, byte, and error counts. Also included are the objects related to the alarms function. The default community names for the Network MIB components will always be different from one another and from the default names assigned to all the other components; if you change community names, remember that no network component may ever share a community name with any other network component on the same device.
Note that the only fully implemented Network MIB component will be Network 1 - the one that applies to the ring of which the management device is a part. Each additional Network component - indexed 2, 3, 4, etc. - supplies only minimal, physical management for each independent ring installed in the same chassis.
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