Craftsman 572.61096, 572.61083, 572.61095 owner manual GroutRemoval Safety Warnings

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lways pull the tool towardyou!


Do netpushit] Pushingthe bit

may cause it to break. Holdthe toolin a golf grip

with the tool positioned below the attachment and the bit pointing upwards.

Onyour variable speed tool, recommendedtool speed is 15.000-20,000 RPM'sor speed setting 6 to avoid damageto the bit. Onyour two speedtool,

recommended tool speed is "Low"to avoid damageto thebit. Do not force the bit or put pressure on the back of the tool to remove the grout. Let the speed of the rotating bit do the work.

GroutRemoval Safety Warnings

Wear eyeprotection and dust mask. Inspect bit for damage. When bit is installed, alwaysrun it at no-load speed of the tool for one minute, asa damagedbit witl break apart. Do not stand in front of or in line !with bit.

:Always use the tool with the depth guide positioned flat against the material being cut.

The guide securely positioned on the material improves stability and control of your tool.

The direction of feedwith the bit into the grout is important. Always drag or pull the bit through the grout line. The grout bit is not intended for "plowing" through the grout andfeeding the tool in the wrong direction will causethe bit to climb out of the work

possibly damaging the bit and!or causing loss of control.






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Image 19
Contents Model Nos .610830 572.610950 CrrftsmrnSears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL FullOne Year Warranty on Craftsman Rotary Power ToolWork Area Tool service must be performed only by Do not use tool if switch does not turn itPage Page Rbrc TM RotaryTool RotaryTool 610830Flex-Shaft ColetWrench T Collet Toloosencollet Shaftlock ColletKeylesschuck Page Page This blocks Models 610960 Rotary Tools have an Operatjn G SpeedsSpeed control should never be used with these tools Brushing Pressure Driver Motor CAP Shaft Flexible Ihousing CAP ColletCOLLET,I Not for USE on Floor Tile Do not operate the flexible shaft with a sharpDescription Drywall Cutting Bit For use in drywallGrout Removal Kit GroutRemoval AttachmentCuttingDepth AdjustmentTo set cuttingdepth GroutRemoval Safety Warnings Prolongusage Right AngleAttachment53002Donot over tightendrive adapter. Tighten the driveadapter Attachmentcan becomehot afteBearings Maintenance Replaceable Brushes Models 610830, 610960Carbon Brushes QMUSTMATCHOFHOUStNGCURVATURE100 150 120 Extension CordsSmall Engraving Cutters MandrelsScrew Mandrel No Small Screw Mandrel NoSilicon Carbide Grinding Stones Polishing AccessoriesSanding Accessories Wire BrushesOperation it may fly off and strike you or bystanders 1olO Op2-4 572.610830,572.610960 Portaherramienta de 3,2 mm Numero DE PiezaDescription DescripcionTapa del impulsor Portaherramienta no incluidaNLcleodel eje flexible Llave de tuerca no incluidaDescription Descripcion NO. Decode NO. DE Lapiece Code noServicio de garantfa Indice PdginaSears, Roebuckand Co., Dept.817WA, HoffmanEstates, IL Control ConserveestasinstruccionesSepa la ubicaciondel interrupter.AI dejar la Desprenderndurante el tiempo de rodaje Lijado, aserrado, amolado y Ierto polvogenerado per elVVoltio Herramienta Giratoria Herramienta Giratoria 610830Juego de Eje flexibleCortadoresmultiuso Cuadrode Identificacionde Portaherra El use del mandrilde apriete Mandrilde Aprietesin LLAVEEl mandril dePage Bloqueaelflujode airey hacequeel motorserecaliente UTILIZACI6NDELAHERRAMIENTAMEC,4NICAGIRATORIACuandoaganela herramienla,tengacuidadode no Cubrirlasaberturasde ventilaci6nconla mano.EstoNecesidadesdevelocidadesmaslentas Correcto PresiondecepilladoIncofirecto Portaherramienta ProtectoraTuercadel \ PORTAHERRAMIENTA\ Tapadel Ejedel JeflexibleNoutilice el eje flexible con uea curvapronunciadaA La guia de corteC6moajustar la profundidadde corte AI Limpiar Lechada JuegoparaquitarlechadaAI Quitar lecharla para Remplazar una Baldosa Rota Page Eladitamentopuede calentarsedespusdel usa Prolongado Noapriete excesivamenteel adaptadorde accionamientaEscobilla EscobillasdecarbonCordonesde extensi6n Vstagode tornillopequeiloNo Cortadoresde grabar pequefiosVslagos Vstagode lornillo NoAccesoriospara lijar Cepillosde alambrePage 61I -1f MAEAILA.OAOLAMINADOSPLASTIC0A I1 Acero 800-4-1MIY-HOiMIES1-800-469-4663