Craftsman 572.61083, 572.61096, 572.61095 owner manual

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The Rotary Tool is a handful of high-speed power. It serves as a carver, grinder, polisher, sander, cutter, power brush, drill and more.

The Rotary Tool has a small, powerful electric motor, is comfortable in the hand, and is made to accept a large variety of accessories including abrasive wheels, drill bits, wire brushes, polishers, engraving cutters, router bits, and cutting wheels. Accessories come in a variety of shapes and permit you to do a number of different jobs. As you become familiar with the range of accessories and their uses, you will learn just how versatile the Rotary Tool is. You'll see dozens of uses you hadn't thought of before.

The real secret of the Rotary Tool is its speed. To understand the advantages of its high speed, you have to know that the standard portable electric drill runs at speeds up to 2,800 revolutions per minute. The Rotary Tool operates at speeds up to

35,000 revolutions per minute. The typical electric drill is a low-speed, high torque tool; the Rotary Tool is just the opposite - a high- speed, low torque tool. The chief difference to the user is that in the high speed tools, the speed combined with the accessory mounted in the collet does the work. You don't apply pressure to the tool, but simply

hold and guide it. In the low speed tools, you not only guide the tool, but also apply

pressure to it, as you do, for example, when drilling a hole.

It is this high speed, along with its compact size and wide variety of special accessories, that makes the Rotary Tool different from other power tools. The speed enables it to do jobs low speed tools cannot do, such as cutting hardened steel, engraving glad, etc.

Getting the most out of your Rotary Tool is a matter of learning how to let this speed work

for you.

Sharpen Tools

Precise Drilling

Shape Wood


Carve Wood

Deburr Metal

Cut Metal


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Contents Crrftsmrn Model Nos .610830 572.610950FullOne Year Warranty on Craftsman Rotary Power Tool Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, ILWork Area Do not use tool if switch does not turn it Tool service must be performed only byPage Page Rbrc TM RotaryTool 610830 RotaryToolColet Flex-ShaftShaftlock Collet Wrench T Collet ToloosencolletKeylesschuck Page Page This blocks Operatjn G Speeds Models 610960 Rotary Tools have anSpeed control should never be used with these tools Brushing Pressure Ihousing CAP Collet Driver Motor CAP Shaft FlexibleCOLLET,I Do not operate the flexible shaft with a sharp DescriptionDrywall Cutting Bit For use in drywall Not for USE on Floor TileGroutRemoval AttachmentCuttingDepth Adjustment Grout Removal KitTo set cuttingdepth GroutRemoval Safety Warnings Right AngleAttachment53002 Donot over tightendrive adapter. Tighten the driveadapterAttachmentcan becomehot afte ProlongusageMaintenance Replaceable Brushes Models 610830, 610960 Carbon BrushesQMUSTMATCHOFHOUStNGCURVATURE BearingsExtension Cords 100 150 120Mandrels Screw Mandrel NoSmall Screw Mandrel No Small Engraving CuttersPolishing Accessories Sanding AccessoriesWire Brushes Silicon Carbide Grinding StonesOperation it may fly off and strike you or bystanders 1olO Op2-4 572.610830,572.610960 Numero DE Pieza DescriptionDescripcion Portaherramienta de 3,2 mmPortaherramienta no incluida NLcleodel eje flexibleLlave de tuerca no incluida Tapa del impulsorCode no Description Descripcion NO. Decode NO. DE LapieceIndice Pdgina Servicio de garantfaSears, Roebuckand Co., Dept.817WA, HoffmanEstates, IL Conserveestasinstrucciones ControlSepa la ubicaciondel interrupter.AI dejar la Desprenderndurante el tiempo de rodaje Ierto polvogenerado per el Lijado, aserrado, amolado yVVoltio Herramienta Giratoria 610830 Herramienta GiratoriaEje flexible Juego deCortadoresmultiuso Cuadrode Identificacionde Portaherra Mandrilde Aprietesin LLAVEEl mandril de El use del mandrilde aprietePage UTILIZACI6NDELAHERRAMIENTAMEC,4NICAGIRATORIA Cuandoaganela herramienla,tengacuidadode noCubrirlasaberturasde ventilaci6nconla mano.Esto Bloqueaelflujode airey hacequeel motorserecalienteNecesidadesdevelocidadesmaslentas Presiondecepillado CorrectoIncofirecto Protectora Tuercadel \ PORTAHERRAMIENTA\ Tapadel EjedelJeflexible PortaherramientaLa guia de corte Noutilice el eje flexible con uea curvapronunciadaAJuegoparaquitarlechada C6moajustar la profundidadde corte AI Limpiar LechadaAI Quitar lecharla para Remplazar una Baldosa Rota Page Noapriete excesivamenteel adaptadorde accionamienta Eladitamentopuede calentarsedespusdel usa ProlongadoEscobillasdecarbon EscobillaCordonesde extensi6n Cortadoresde grabar pequefios VslagosVstagode lornillo No Vstagode tornillopequeiloNoCepillosde alambre Accesoriospara lijarPage 61I -1f MAEAILA.OAOLAMINADOSPLASTIC0A I1 Acero 800-4-1MIY-HOiMIES1-800-469-4663