Craftsman 572.61095, 572.61083, 572.61096 owner manual

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Allow brushes to run at operating speed for at least one minute before using wheel. During this time no one is to stand in front or in line with the brush. Loose

bristles or wires will be discharged during the run-in time.

Wire and bristle brushes must never be operated at speeds greater than 15,000/min. Direct the discharge of the spinning wire brush away from you.

Small particles and tiny wire fragments may be discharged at high velocity during the "cleaning" action with these brushes and may become imbedded in your skin.

Bristles or wires will be discharged from the brush at high speeds.

Wear protective gloves and face shield with wire or bristle brushes. Apply wire

or bristle brushes lightly to the work as only the tips of the wire/bristles do the

work. "Heavy" pressure on bristles will cause the wire or bristle to become

overstressed, resulting in a wiping action and will cause the bristles/wire to be discharged.

Carefully handle both the tool and individual grinding wheels to avoid chipping or cracking. Install a new wheel if tool is dropped while grinding. Do not use a wheel that may be damaged. Fragments from a wheel that bursts during operation will fly away at great velocity possibly striking you or bystanders.

Never use dull or damaged bits. Sharp bits must be handled with care.

Damaged bits -cansnap during use. Dull bits require more force to push the tool, possibly causing the bit to break.

Use clamps to support workpiece whenever practical. Never hold a small

workpiece in one hand and the tool in the other hand while in use. Allow for

sufficient space, at least 6", between

your hand and the spinning bit. Round material such as dowel rods, pipes Or

tubing have a tendency to rol! while being cut, and may cause the bit to "bite" or jump toward you. Clamping a small workpiece allows you to use both hands to control the tool.

Inspect your workpiece before cutting. When cutting irregularly shaped workpieces, plan your work so it will not slip and pinch the bit and be torn from your hand. For example, if carving wood, make sure there are no nails or foreign

objects in the workpiece. Nails or foreign objects can cause the bit to jump.

Never start the tool when the bit is engaged in the material. The bit cutting edge may grab the material causing loss of control of the cutter.

Avoid bouncing and snagging the wheel, especially when working corners, sharp edges etc. This can cause loss of control and kick-back.

The direction of feed with the bit into the

material when carving, routing or cutting is very important. Always feed the bit into the material in the same direction as the cutting edge is exiting from the material (which is the same direction as the chips are thrown). Feeding the tool in the wrong direction, causes the cutting

edge of the bit to climb out of the work and pull the tool in the direction of this feed.

If the workpiece or bit becomes jammed or bogged down, turn the tool "OFF" by the switch. Wait for all moving parts to stop and unplug the tool, then work to free the jammed material. If the switch to the tool is left "ON" the tool could restart unexpectedly causing serious perspnal injury.

Do not leave a running tool unattended, turn power off. Only when tool comes to a complete stop it is safe to put it down.

Do not grind or sand near flammable materials. Sparks from the wheel could ignite these materials.

Do not touch the bit or collet after use.

After use the bit and collet are too hot to be

touched by bare hands.

Regularly clean the tool's air vents by compressed air. Excessive accumulation

of powdered metal inside the motor housing may cause electrical failures.

Do not allow familiarity gained from

frequent use of your rotary tool to

become commonplace. Always remember that a careless fraction of a second is sufficient to inflict severe injury.

Do not alter or misuse tool. Any alteration or modification is a misuse and may result

in serious personal injury.

This product is not intended for use as a dental drill, in human or veterinary

medical applications. Serious personal injury may result.

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Contents Model Nos .610830 572.610950 CrrftsmrnSears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL FullOne Year Warranty on Craftsman Rotary Power ToolWork Area Tool service must be performed only by Do not use tool if switch does not turn itPage Page Rbrc TM RotaryTool RotaryTool 610830Flex-Shaft ColetKeylesschuck Shaftlock ColletWrench T Collet Toloosencollet Page Page This blocks Speed control should never be used with these tools Operatjn G SpeedsModels 610960 Rotary Tools have an Brushing Pressure COLLET,I Ihousing CAP ColletDriver Motor CAP Shaft Flexible Description Do not operate the flexible shaft with a sharpDrywall Cutting Bit For use in drywall Not for USE on Floor TileTo set cuttingdepth GroutRemoval AttachmentCuttingDepth AdjustmentGrout Removal Kit GroutRemoval Safety Warnings Donot over tightendrive adapter. Tighten the driveadapter Right AngleAttachment53002Attachmentcan becomehot afte ProlongusageCarbon Brushes Maintenance Replaceable Brushes Models 610830, 610960QMUSTMATCHOFHOUStNGCURVATURE Bearings100 150 120 Extension CordsScrew Mandrel No MandrelsSmall Screw Mandrel No Small Engraving CuttersSanding Accessories Polishing AccessoriesWire Brushes Silicon Carbide Grinding StonesOperation it may fly off and strike you or bystanders 1olO Op2-4 572.610830,572.610960 Description Numero DE PiezaDescripcion Portaherramienta de 3,2 mmNLcleodel eje flexible Portaherramienta no incluidaLlave de tuerca no incluida Tapa del impulsorDescription Descripcion NO. Decode NO. DE Lapiece Code noSears, Roebuckand Co., Dept.817WA, HoffmanEstates, IL Indice PdginaServicio de garantfa Control ConserveestasinstruccionesSepa la ubicaciondel interrupter.AI dejar la Desprenderndurante el tiempo de rodaje Lijado, aserrado, amolado y Ierto polvogenerado per elVVoltio Herramienta Giratoria Herramienta Giratoria 610830Cortadoresmultiuso Eje flexibleJuego de Cuadrode Identificacionde Portaherra El use del mandrilde apriete Mandrilde Aprietesin LLAVEEl mandril dePage Cuandoaganela herramienla,tengacuidadode no UTILIZACI6NDELAHERRAMIENTAMEC,4NICAGIRATORIACubrirlasaberturasde ventilaci6nconla mano.Esto Bloqueaelflujode airey hacequeel motorserecalienteNecesidadesdevelocidadesmaslentas Incofirecto PresiondecepilladoCorrecto Tuercadel \ PORTAHERRAMIENTA\ Tapadel Ejedel ProtectoraJeflexible PortaherramientaNoutilice el eje flexible con uea curvapronunciadaA La guia de corteAI Quitar lecharla para Remplazar una Baldosa Rota JuegoparaquitarlechadaC6moajustar la profundidadde corte AI Limpiar Lechada Page Eladitamentopuede calentarsedespusdel usa Prolongado Noapriete excesivamenteel adaptadorde accionamientaEscobilla EscobillasdecarbonCordonesde extensi6n Vslagos Cortadoresde grabar pequefiosVstagode lornillo No Vstagode tornillopequeiloNoAccesoriospara lijar Cepillosde alambrePage 61I -1f MAEAILA.OAOLAMINADOSPLASTIC0A I1 Acero 800-4-1MIY-HOiMIES1-800-469-4663