Craftsman 572.61083, 572.61096, 572.61095 owner manual Brushing Pressure

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accessory. Look this table over and become familiar with it.

Ultimately, the best way to determine the correct speed for work on any material is to practice for a few minutes on a piece of scrap, even after referring to the chart. You can quickly learn that a slower or faster speed is more effective just by observing what happens as you make a pass or two at different speeds. When working with plastic, for example, start at a slow rate of speed and increase the speed until you observe that the plastic is melting at the point of contact. Then reduce the speed slightly to get the optimum working speed.

Some rules of thumb in regard to speed:

1.Plastic and materials that melt at low

itemperatures should be cut at low ;speeds.

2.Polishing, buffing and cleaning with a wire brush must be done at speeds not greater than 15,000 RPM to prevent damage to the brush.


1.Remember, the tips of a wire brush do the work. Operate the brush with the lightest

pressure so only the tips of the wire come in contact with the work.

2.If heavier pressures are used, the wires will be overstressed, resulting in a wiping action; and if this is continued, the life of the

3.Wood should be cut at high speed.

4.Iron or steel should be cut at high speed if using tungsten carbide accessory, but at slower speeds if using high speed steel cutters. If a high speed steel cutter starts to chatter -- this normally means it is running too slow.

5.Aluminum, copper alloys, lead alloys, zinc alloys and tin may be cut at various speeds, depending on the type of cutting being done. Use paraffin or other suitable lubricant on the cutter to prevent the cut material from adhering to the cutter teeth.

Increasing the pressure on the tool is not the answer when it is not cutting as you think it

should. Perhaps you should be using a different cutter, and perhaps an adjustment in speed would solve the problem. Leaning on the tool does not help. The correct speed will make using the rotary tool effortless.

brush will be shortened due to wire fatigue.

3.Apply the brush to the work in such a way that as much of the brush face as possible is in full contact with the work. Applying the side or edge of the brush to the work wil! result in wire breakage and shortened brush life.










pressure can



cause wire










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Contents Model Nos .610830 572.610950 CrrftsmrnSears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL FullOne Year Warranty on Craftsman Rotary Power ToolWork Area Tool service must be performed only by Do not use tool if switch does not turn itPage Page Rbrc TM RotaryTool RotaryTool 610830Flex-Shaft ColetShaftlock Collet Wrench T Collet ToloosencolletKeylesschuck Page Page This blocks Operatjn G Speeds Models 610960 Rotary Tools have anSpeed control should never be used with these tools Brushing Pressure Ihousing CAP Collet Driver Motor CAP Shaft FlexibleCOLLET,I Not for USE on Floor Tile Do not operate the flexible shaft with a sharpDescription Drywall Cutting Bit For use in drywallGroutRemoval AttachmentCuttingDepth Adjustment Grout Removal KitTo set cuttingdepth GroutRemoval Safety Warnings Prolongusage Right AngleAttachment53002Donot over tightendrive adapter. Tighten the driveadapter Attachmentcan becomehot afteBearings Maintenance Replaceable Brushes Models 610830, 610960Carbon Brushes QMUSTMATCHOFHOUStNGCURVATURE100 150 120 Extension CordsSmall Engraving Cutters MandrelsScrew Mandrel No Small Screw Mandrel NoSilicon Carbide Grinding Stones Polishing AccessoriesSanding Accessories Wire BrushesOperation it may fly off and strike you or bystanders 1olO Op2-4 572.610830,572.610960 Portaherramienta de 3,2 mm Numero DE PiezaDescription DescripcionTapa del impulsor Portaherramienta no incluidaNLcleodel eje flexible Llave de tuerca no incluidaDescription Descripcion NO. Decode NO. DE Lapiece Code noIndice Pdgina Servicio de garantfaSears, Roebuckand Co., Dept.817WA, HoffmanEstates, IL Control ConserveestasinstruccionesSepa la ubicaciondel interrupter.AI dejar la Desprenderndurante el tiempo de rodaje Lijado, aserrado, amolado y Ierto polvogenerado per elVVoltio Herramienta Giratoria Herramienta Giratoria 610830Eje flexible Juego deCortadoresmultiuso Cuadrode Identificacionde Portaherra El use del mandrilde apriete Mandrilde Aprietesin LLAVEEl mandril dePage Bloqueaelflujode airey hacequeel motorserecaliente UTILIZACI6NDELAHERRAMIENTAMEC,4NICAGIRATORIACuandoaganela herramienla,tengacuidadode no Cubrirlasaberturasde ventilaci6nconla mano.EstoNecesidadesdevelocidadesmaslentas Presiondecepillado CorrectoIncofirecto Portaherramienta ProtectoraTuercadel \ PORTAHERRAMIENTA\ Tapadel Ejedel JeflexibleNoutilice el eje flexible con uea curvapronunciadaA La guia de corteJuegoparaquitarlechada C6moajustar la profundidadde corte AI Limpiar LechadaAI Quitar lecharla para Remplazar una Baldosa Rota Page Eladitamentopuede calentarsedespusdel usa Prolongado Noapriete excesivamenteel adaptadorde accionamientaEscobilla EscobillasdecarbonCordonesde extensi6n Vstagode tornillopequeiloNo Cortadoresde grabar pequefiosVslagos Vstagode lornillo NoAccesoriospara lijar Cepillosde alambrePage 61I -1f MAEAILA.OAOLAMINADOSPLASTIC0A I1 Acero 800-4-1MIY-HOiMIES1-800-469-4663