Kyocera TASKalfa 5500i/TASKalfa 4500i manual User Guide

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Enable client profile Client profile refers to profile settings saved on a server and accessed by clients in a client/server environment. This feature in the Advanced tab lets an administrator control and distribute profiles.

Fast printing Printing mode that decreases spool size and increases print speed.

Finishing edge Finishing edge aligns the matching sides of two different page sizes in a document. For example, the long edge of an A4 page is aligned with the short edge of an A3 page; or the short edge of a letter size page is aligned with the short edge of a legal size page. Finishing edge can be used with or without the staple feature.

Full bleed Layout feature that lets you produce full-page printing without any margins by printing to a larger sized-paper than the original, and then letting you trim the edges.

GDI compatible mode A page description language option that accurately reproduces what is viewed on the screen using the Microsoft Graphical Device Interface (GDI) component to render the document. It generates data in a raster printing format, creating a larger printable file.

Gutter Blank space on the left side or top of a printed page that can be increased by scaling down text and graphics. This supports stapling and hole punching. When used with Duplex printing, the enlarged blank space lines up evenly on both sides of the sheet. The larger blank space is created by shifting the printable area to the right or down as much as one inch (25.4 mm).

Halftone screen Imaging process that breaks down an image into dots. An experienced user can adjust Halftone screen settings to create shades of gray in graphic images. Larger dots spaced close together create darker shades, and smaller dots spaced farther apart create lighter shades. Shading can be varied by adjusting the number of rows of dots, the angle at which rows of dots are placed, and the shape of the dots.

Job accounting An accounting system that records and controls the number of pages printed by each account ID. Account IDs can be assigned at the printing system and stored in the driver. After account IDs are assigned, you can use the Job accounting option to print in the Job accounting mode.

Job name A Job name is a unique identifier for each print job, to help you find and print the job from the printing system’s operation panel. When you send a print job using one of the Job storage (e-MPS) options, you can assign a custom name to the job or use the name of the application file.

Job storage Job option that stores a print job permanently on a hard disk for printing later. You also have the option of protecting the print job from unauthorized printing by using an access code. This feature is available when a hard disk is installed and selected in Device Settings.

Media source enumeration A Device Settings option that maintains compatibility for cassettes and feeders between old drivers and new drivers or when moving from one manufacturer to another. Compatibility creates a smooth transition for environments using macros or PRESCRIBE commands to access cassettes and feeders.


User Guide

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Contents Page Models supported by the KX printer driver Table of Contents Chapter Layout Chapter Quick PrintChapter Basic Chapter Finishing Chapter ImagingChapter Publishing Chapter JobAdvanced Selecting an Installation Method InstallationPreparing to Install the Driver Installing Utilities Express InstallationInstalling in Express Mode Upgrading Driver ComponentsOn the Installation Method page, click Express Mode Enable Status MonitorDevice Settings Print a testCustom Installation On the Installation Method page, select Custom ModePrint a test Print a test Print a test On the Installation Method page, select Custom Mode Installing Optional Printer Components Installing a Printer Driver in Windows 7 and Windows VistaOptional Printer Components Add Printer WizardPrinter Driver Settings Access Installing a Printer Driver in Windows XPChanging the Default Driver Settings Click Start and Printers and Faxes Click Add a printerClick Printing Preferences Device Settings Accessing Device Settings Device OptionsSetting Device Options Setting Punch OptionsHole Setting up Custom BoxesNone Auto Configure Enabling Auto ConfigurationSilent Auto Configuration MemoryAdministrator Settings Setting the MemoryGeneral Show Quick Print TabPassword Protect Administrator Settings Setting the Administrator PasswordClearing the Administrator Password Send Application NameSelecting Snmp Settings SNMPv3 OptionsLock Settings Lock Settings OptionsUser Login User Login OptionsPrinting with User Login Validate user name computer or prompt for login user nameLogin User Name Use specific name Prompt for namePrinting with Job Accounting Job AccountingJob Accounting Options User Settings Setting User IdentificationIdentification UnitsSetting Language Preference PDL Page Description LanguageLanguage Preference PDL OptionsPDL Settings PCL XL Settings or Kpdl SettingsPCL XL Settings Kpdl SettingsEmbed fonts Compress data Security Print and save Security SettingsSelecting a PDL Print and Save Settings Compatibility Settings Click SettingsSetting Media Sources XPS DriverIgnore Application Collation Combine Source and Media Type ListsSelecting Printer Driver Collation Creating a Combined Source ListDevice Settings, click Kyocera logo Plug-in Removing a Plug-inQuick Print Quick Print OptionsCommon Printing Options OrientationCollate Duplex PrintingMultiple Pages per Sheet Edit Quick PrintEditing Quick Print Options Click Edit Quick PrintProfiles Selecting a ProfileSaving a Profile Quick Print tabEditing a Profile Importing a ProfileExporting a Profile Click ProfilesEditing an Association Application Based PrintingAdding an Association Quick Print Basic Settings BasicSource and Media Types Print Size and Page SizeCopies QualityPrinting with Custom Size Pages Duplex PrintingCreating a Custom Page Size Flip on long edge Flip on short edge Printing in Duplex ModeCollate Quality Print PreviewPrinting Collated Documents Previewing a Print JobKyocera Logo Displaying Version InformationDisplaying Plug-in Information File Name Version Description Date Manufacturer CommentsLayout Multiple Pages per SheetPrinting Multiple Pages per Sheet Layout tab, select Multiple pages per sheetSetting Scaling on ScalingFull Bleed Selecting crop marksBooklet PosterPrinting with Full Bleed Printing a BookletPrinting a Poster KX Driver Finishing SeparationRotate Copies Rotating CopiesOffsetting Jobs Bi-FoldTri-Fold Offset JobsFinishing Edge Combinations Finishing EdgePrinting with Tri-Fold Setting the Finishing Edge Custom Finishing Edge SettingsPositioning Options for Finishing Edge Finishing tab, select Finishing edgeGutter StapleCreating a Gutter Short edge topCreating Punch Holes for a Print Job PunchStapling a Print Job Click OK to return to the Print dialog box Imaging Print Quality and EcoPrintSelecting Print Quality Selecting EcoPrintFont Settings FontsDownload as outlines Allow native downloadSelecting Font Settings Setting Font SubstitutionFont Substitution Download as bitmapsDisable Device Fonts Selecting Graphics SettingsGraphics Pattern ScalingCIE Optimization Inversion SettingsOptimization Settings Setting the Halftone Screen Halftone ScreenAdjusting Grayscale Text and Graphics EffectsPrint text as black Print graphics as blackCover Mode Publishing tab, select Cover modePublishing Printing CoversCover Mode Options Check Box Selection Cover Insertion Type Choosing Cover Media Insert Printing Page InsertsCheck Box Selection Insertion Type Inserts a blank Transparency InterleavingInsertion Options Inserting Backing Sheets Between Transparencies User Settings dialog box, available in Device Settings JobJob Storage e-MPS Job Storage e-MPS optionsCustom Box Storing a Job in a Custom BoxQuick Copy Proof and HoldPrinting a Quick Copy Job Job tab, select Job storage e-MPS Select Quick copyPrivate Print Printing a Proof and Hold JobStoring a Private Print Job Click Job storage e-MPSJob Storage Job NameStoring a Job Storage Job Don’t Use Application NameOverwrite Job Name Selecting a Job NameAdvanced Prologue/EpilogueSelecting a Prologue/Epilogue File Editing a Prologue/Epilogue FileDeleting a Prologue/Epilogue File Assigning a Prologue/Epilogue FileUnassigning a Prologue/Epilogue File Specifying the Insertion PointWatermark Adding or Editing a WatermarkCentered default Diagonal defaultSelecting Pages for Watermark User definedSecurity Watermark Adding or Editing a Security Watermark Advanced tab, click Security WatermarkStandard pattern Document guard patternAdjusting Security Watermark Calibration Selecting Pages for Security WatermarkLight, Normal, Dark ContrastStatus Monitor Selecting Status Monitor OptionsAdvanced tab, click Status Monitor Hide the status monitor/Show the status monitorSetting Status Monitor Preferences Enable Client Profile EMF SpoolingSelecting EMF Spooling Select Use Text to speechGlossary User Guide Iii User Guide Page Page Rev .02