Siemens FC330A manual Operating access via password, Log in, Log out

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Operating access via password

Operating access via password

The passwords are defined and released to the operators by the service engineer.

In case of misskeying the password, use del to cancel keying errors.

Log in

1.Press St .

ÜDisplay shows

2.Enter the password and press

ÜDisplay shows


ok .


START system operating > enter password?

hm /Stop: end operating

SELECT: 1. ENabling (main menu) 2. DISabling

3.INFO polling

4.other functions

3.Proceed operating (access is now provided)

Log out

There is no log out procedure, because the operating access expires automatically if no key is pressed within a certain time (+ page 11, Automatic timeout).


Fire & Security Products


Siemens Building Technologies Group


Image 16
Contents Fire & Security Products PhaseSynova FC330A Fire detection system Operating manual System operation for userECopyright by Siemens Building Technologies AG Overview operating menu 06.2003 Fire & Security ProductsSiemens Building Technologies Group Introduction Fire & Security Productse1973c-1 Siemens Building Technologies GroupPage Fundamentals Fire & Security Productse1973c-2 Siemens Building Technologies Group1 ALARM Control console layoutControl console FC330A B3Q580 Floor panelB3Q590/595 Overview operating menu page 4.other functionsonly for service engineer 4.other functionsFundamental operation How to operate the control consoleNormal operation ALARMWhat is “normal operation”? Mains interruptionPossible access levels Operating accessHow do I get operating access? Log in Operating access via passwordLog out Operating “manned” and “unmanned” Basic rulesAutomatic switchover Extra timeAlarm Fire & Security Productse1973c-3 Siemens Building Technologies GroupSPECIAL Alarm Concept Purpose and principleV1 = Alarm investigation timeV2 = ALARM AlarmPrinciple How are alarm messages shown on the text display? How to respond in case of alarmWhat to do after an alarm Scrolling alarm messagesFire & Security Products e1973c-3Siemens Building Technologies Group 02.2004Disable/Enable System Parts Fire & Security Productse1973c-4 Siemens Building Technologies GroupWhat is a detector zone? Temporary isolation of a detector zoneWhen has a detector zone to be isolated? Zone isolation procedure Viewing disabled zones Zone reactivation procedureDisable all zones Several zones disabledEnable a range of zones Enable single zonesEnable all disabled zones When has a single detector to be isolated? Temporary isolation of a single detectorSingle detector isolation procedure Detector reactivation procedure Remote Transmission What is “remote transmission”?When has the remote transmission to be disabled? Disabling the remote alarm transmission facilityDisabling the remote fault transmission facility Enabling the remote fault transmission facilityAlarm devices When have alarm devices to be disabled?Disabling the alarm devices Enabling alarm devicesFaults Fire & Security Productse1973c-7 Siemens Building Technologies GroupFaults How do I respond to fault messages?Reset What remedies are available to the user?Maintenance Fire & Security Productse1973c-8 Siemens Building Technologies GroupPurpose and Principle Detector testRecommendations for function tests 4.After entering the last number press ok twice Functional testing of automatic AlgoRex-detectors Test procedure for detector tester RE6Test procedure for detector tester RE6T Required equipementTest procedure for type KAC Test procedure for type DIN indirect activationFunctional test of manual call points Control consoleLamp test procedure Lamp testPurpose of the lamp test Battery load test procedure Battery load testPurpose and principle Horn test procedure Test of acoustic alarm devicesPurpose and principle Test of Remote Transmission RT Test procedure for remote alarm transmissionTest procedure for remote fault transmission Purpose and principleFire & Security Products e1973c-12Siemens Building Technologies Group 02.2004Other Functions Fire & Security Productse1973c-13 Siemens Building Technologies GroupPrinter disabling/enabling When has the printer to be disabled?Disabling the printer Enabling the printerPaper replacement with logging printer B2Q191 Switch off the printerEnable the printer Change of printer paperPurpose of polling the alarm counter Poll alarm counterPolling the alarm counter Purpose of polling the event memory Poll event memoryPolling the event memory Purpose Poll user text of zones or elementsPolling user text of zones or elements Purpose Poll system statusPolling the system status Poll configuration data Polling configuration data of detector zonesPolling configuration data of address lines PurposePrintout Print event memory/alarm counterPrint configuration/user text Print configuration zone/line/LONPurpuse and Principle Set time and dateSet time and date Page Siemens Building Technologies AG Alte Landstrasse CH-8708Männedorf Tel. +41 1 −Document no. e1973c Edition