Siemens FC330A manual Test of Remote Transmission RT, Purpose and principle

Page 45
Test of Remote Transmission (RT)

Test of Remote Transmission (RT)

Purpose and principle

In test mode the function of the remote transmission can be tested without activating an alarm device or a manual call point.

The function of the remote transmission facility has to be checked periodically. The remote alarm transmission and the remote fault transmission can be tested separately.


The acoustic alarm devices have to be tested at least once a year.


Before the remote alarm transmission is tested, inform the fire brigade!


Test procedure for remote alarm transmission

1.Inform the fire brigade before a remote alarm transmission test will be performed.

2. Press St .





Ü Display shows


(main menu)





INFO polling





other functions






3.Select option 4. ä 2. ä 1. ä 3.

ÜTo initiate the remote ALARM test.

Ü Display shows


4.If the fire brigade is informed, press ok .

Ü Display shows


ÜThe test runs for 30 sec. The remaining time is indicated.

ATTENTION: testing remote transm. ALARM!

>> fire brigade notified? > then: ok

hm: back to menu

Stop: end operating

TESTING remote transm. ALARM (RT−alarm): > remaining active time

hm: stop test

Stop: end operating

ÜAfter the test has finished, the submenu is displayed again.

If the remote alarm did not arrive at the fire departement, call the SIEMENS service organization for repair.

" The test can be stopped before expiration of the 30 seconds by pressing hm .

Test procedure for remote fault transmission


Press St .



Ü Display shows



Select option 4. ä 2. ä 1. ä 4.


SELECT: 1. ENabling (main menu) 2. DISabling

3.INFO polling

4.other functions

ÜTo initiate the remote FAULT test.

Ü Display shows


ÜThe test runs for 30 sec. The remaining time is indicated.

TESTING remote transm. FAULT (RT−fault): > remaining active time

hm: stop test

Stop: end operating

ÜAfter the test has finished, the submenu is displayed again.

If the fault message did not arrive at the remote location, call the SIEMENS service organization for repair.

" The test can be stopped before expiration of the 30 seconds by pressing hm .


Fire & Security Products


Siemens Building Technologies Group


Image 45
Contents Phase Fire & Security ProductsSynova FC330A Fire detection system Operating manual System operation for userECopyright by Siemens Building Technologies AG Overview operating menu Fire & Security Products 06.2003Siemens Building Technologies Group Fire & Security Products Introductione1973c-1 Siemens Building Technologies GroupPage Fire & Security Products Fundamentalse1973c-2 Siemens Building Technologies GroupControl console layout 1 ALARMControl console FC330A Floor panel B3Q580B3Q590/595 Overview operating menu 4.other functions page4.other functions only for service engineerHow to operate the control console Fundamental operationALARM Normal operationWhat is “normal operation”? Mains interruptionOperating access Possible access levelsHow do I get operating access? Operating access via password Log inLog out Basic rules Operating “manned” and “unmanned”Extra time Automatic switchoverFire & Security Products Alarme1973c-3 Siemens Building Technologies GroupPurpose and principle SPECIAL Alarm ConceptAlarm investigation time V1 =V2 = Alarm ALARMPrinciple How to respond in case of alarm How are alarm messages shown on the text display?What to do after an alarm Scrolling alarm messagese1973c-3 Fire & Security ProductsSiemens Building Technologies Group 02.2004Fire & Security Products Disable/Enable System Partse1973c-4 Siemens Building Technologies GroupTemporary isolation of a detector zone What is a detector zone?When has a detector zone to be isolated? Zone isolation procedure Zone reactivation procedure Viewing disabled zonesDisable all zones Several zones disabledEnable single zones Enable a range of zonesEnable all disabled zones Temporary isolation of a single detector When has a single detector to be isolated?Single detector isolation procedure Detector reactivation procedure What is “remote transmission”? Remote TransmissionWhen has the remote transmission to be disabled? Disabling the remote alarm transmission facilityEnabling the remote fault transmission facility Disabling the remote fault transmission facilityWhen have alarm devices to be disabled? Alarm devicesDisabling the alarm devices Enabling alarm devicesFire & Security Products Faultse1973c-7 Siemens Building Technologies GroupHow do I respond to fault messages? FaultsReset What remedies are available to the user?Fire & Security Products Maintenancee1973c-8 Siemens Building Technologies GroupDetector test Purpose and PrincipleRecommendations for function tests 4.After entering the last number press ok twice Test procedure for detector tester RE6 Functional testing of automatic AlgoRex-detectorsTest procedure for detector tester RE6T Required equipementTest procedure for type DIN indirect activation Test procedure for type KACFunctional test of manual call points Control consoleLamp test Lamp test procedurePurpose of the lamp test Battery load test Battery load test procedurePurpose and principle Test of acoustic alarm devices Horn test procedurePurpose and principle Test procedure for remote alarm transmission Test of Remote Transmission RTTest procedure for remote fault transmission Purpose and principlee1973c-12 Fire & Security ProductsSiemens Building Technologies Group 02.2004Fire & Security Products Other Functionse1973c-13 Siemens Building Technologies GroupWhen has the printer to be disabled? Printer disabling/enablingDisabling the printer Enabling the printerSwitch off the printer Paper replacement with logging printer B2Q191Enable the printer Change of printer paperPoll alarm counter Purpose of polling the alarm counterPolling the alarm counter Poll event memory Purpose of polling the event memoryPolling the event memory Poll user text of zones or elements PurposePolling user text of zones or elements Poll system status PurposePolling the system status Polling configuration data of detector zones Poll configuration dataPolling configuration data of address lines PurposePrint event memory/alarm counter PrintoutPrint configuration/user text Print configuration zone/line/LONSet time and date Purpuse and PrincipleSet time and date Page CH-8708Männedorf Tel. +41 1 − Siemens Building Technologies AG Alte LandstrasseDocument no. e1973c Edition