Table 28. Data Share Points.
| Digital Stateor Value ofState |
| DirectAccess | ManualConfig. | FailureDetect | ||
User Address | NvName | Field Name | (Metric) or States plus Range | Default | Share | Map | Comments | |||||
| Engineering Units: English |
DestOaEnth | nviOdEnthS7 |
| mA |
| X |
| X | X | nviOdEnth allows one outdoor enthalpy sensor at a node to be shared by many |
| 4 to 20 |
| other nodes. When nviOdEnth is not SI_INVALID then any local sensor is |
| ignored by the local control algorithm and OdEnth is used instead. If the value is |
| outside the allowed range (4 to 20 mA), then the node uses the value of the |
| nearest range limit. |
SrcOaEnth | nvoOdEnthS7 |
| mA |
| SI_INVALID | M | X |
| X |
| nvoOdEnth allows the local outdoor enthalpy sensor to be shared with other |
| 4 to 20 |
| nodes and is typically bound to OdEnth on other nodes. If the local sensor is |
| configured by Select, nviOdEnth is periodically sent on the network. If the local |
| sensor is not configured or currently showing an error, the value is SI_INVALID. |
SrcMonSwCt | nvoMonSw | value | 0 to 100 |
| 0 |
| X |
| MonSw value allows the monitor switch to be shared with another node. MonSw |
| is typically bound to an SBC to indicate a user defined alarm condition. The |
| output values have the following meanings: If the state is SW_OFF and the |
| value is 0, then the monitor switch is open. If the state is SW_ON and the value |
| is 100 percent, then the monitor switch is closed. If the state is SW_NUL and |
| the value is 0, then the monitor switch is not configured by Select. |
SrcMonSw | nvoMonSw | state | SW_OFF | 0 | SW_NUL | M |
| X |
| For MonSw.state, refer to MonSw.value. |
| SW_ON | 1 |
| SW_NUL | 255 |
| nviIaqOvr | value | 0 to 100 |
| 0 |
| IaqOvr allows an indoor air quality sensor to be shared by many other nodes. |
| The states are follows: If the state is SW_OFF and the value is don’t care, then |
| the indoor air quality is acceptable. If the state is SW_ON and the value is 0, |
| then the indoor air quality is acceptable. If the node receives this combination of |
| state and value, then state is set to SW_OFF. If the state is SW_ON and the |
| value is not zero, then the indoor air quality is not acceptable and additional |
| outdoor air is needed to bring it back to acceptable. If the state is SW_NUL and |
| the value is don’t care, then the indoor air quality is acceptable. If the state is |
| other, then the network variable is not bound, the communications path from the |
| sending node has failed, or the sending node has failed. The indoor air quality is |
| acceptable. |
DestIaqOvrd | nviIaqOvr | state | SW_OFF | 0 | SW_NUL | M | X |
| X | X | X | For IaqOvr.state, refer to IaqOvr.value. |
| SW_ON | 1 |
| SW_NUL | 255 |
SrcIaqOvrCt | nvoIaqOvr | value | 0 to 100 |
| 0 | X | X |
| IaqOvr allows an indoor air quality sensor to be shared with other nodes and is |
| typically bound to IaqOvr on other nodes. If Data2.siSpaceCo2 is not |
| SI_INVALID, and exceeds Aux1SetPt.CO2IaqLimit, then poor air quality is |
| detected. In addition, if a local digital input is configured for IAQ_OVERRIDE_IN |
| and IO.IaqOverRide is 1 (TRUE) then poor air quality is also detected. The state |
| has the following meanings: If the state is SW_OFF and the value is 0, then the |
| indoor air quality is acceptable. If the state is SW_ON and the value is 100 |
| percent, then the indoor air quality is not acceptable and additional outdoor air is |
| needed to bring it back to an acceptable state. If the state is SW_NUL and the |
| value is 0, then the economizer for this node has not been configured or there is |
| no sensor (via IO.SpaceDo2 or IO.IaqOverRide) configured or the only |
| configured sensor (via IO.SpaceCo2) has failed. |
SrcIaqOvr | nvoIaqOvr | state | SW_OFF | 0 | SW_NUL | M | X |
| X |
| For IaqOvr.State, refer to IaqOvr.value. |
| SW_ON | 1 |
| SW_NUL | 255 |