Table 23. Status Points. (Continued)
| Value | Digital |
| Direct | Hardware | Manual |
| ||
| |
| User Address | NvName | Field Name | (Metric) or States plus Range | ofState | Stateor | Default | (M, P,S) | Share | Map | Access | Config. | Config. | Test | Comments |
| Engineering Units: English |
| StatusManOcc | nvoData1 | NetManOcc | OC_OCCUPIED | 0 |
| OC_NUL |
| X |
| NetManOcc: NetManOcc reports the network manual occupancy state from |
| (nvoCtlDataG1) |
| nviManOcc. The valid enumerated states are: OC_OCCUPIED indicates |
| OC_BYPASS | 2 |
| occupied OC_UNOCCUPIED indicates not occupied OC_BYPASS |
| OC_STANDBY | 3 |
| indicates that the space is bypass occupied for |
| OC_NUL | 255 |
| nciAux2SetPt.uiBypassTime seconds after nviManOcc is first set to | |
| OC_BYPASS OC_STANDBY indicates that the space is standby. OC_NUL |
| means that no manual override is active. |
| StatusOcySen | nvoData1 | SenOcc | OC_OCCUPIED | 0 |
| OC_NUL |
| X |
| SenOcc: SenOcc indicates the current state of the sensed occupancy and |
| (nvoCtlDataG1) |
| is calculated from nviSensorOcc and the local occupancy sensor via |
| OC_BYPASS | 2 |
| nvoIO.OccupancySensor. The local sensor and nviSensorOcc are ORed |
| OC_STANDBY | 3 |
| together. If either the local sensor or nviSensorOcc shows occupancy, then |
| OC_NUL | 255 |
| SenOcc shows occupancy. The valid enumerated values are: | |
| OC_OCCUPIED means that occupancy is sensed by one or more |
| sensor.OC_UNOCCUPIED means that no occupancy is sensed by any |
| sensors.OC_NUL means no local sensor is configured and nviSensorOcc |
| has failed to be received periodically (bound or not bound). |
| StatusEconEn | nvoData1 | EconEnable | ST_OFF | 0 |
| ST_NUL |
| X |
| EconEnable: EconEnable indicates the current suitability of outdoor air for |
| (nvoCtlDataG1) |
| ST_LOW | 1 |
| use in cooling used by the control process EconEnable is periodically |
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| ST_MED | 2 |
| calculated either from the sensor(s) specified by nciConfig.EconEnable or |
| ST_HIGH | 3 |
| from nviEcon. When nviEcon.state is not SW_NUL, then the local inputs | |
| |||
| ST_ON | 4 |
| are ignored and nviEcon.state is used instead. See nciConfig.EconEnable. |
| ST_NUL | 255 |
| The valid enumerated values are: ST_OFF means the outdoor air is not | |
| suitable to augment cooling. ST_ON means the outdoor air is suitable to |
| augment cooling.ST_NUL means no local sensor is selected by |
| nciConfig.EconEnable, or the selected local sensor has failed or has not |
| been configured by nciIoSelect, and that nviEcon.state is SW_NUL. The |
| outdoor air is considered unsuitable for cooling. |
| SaFanStatus | nvoData1 | ProofAirFlow | ST_OFF | 0 |
| ST_NUL |
| X |
| ProofAirFlow: ProofAirFlow indicates the current state of the ProofAirFlow |
| (nvoCtlDataG1) |
| ST_LOW | 1 |
| switch used by the control process and is read by the local sensor via |
| ST_MED | 2 |
| nvoIO.ProofAirFlow. The valid enumerated values are: ST_OFF means air |
| ST_HIGH | 3 |
| flow is not detected. ST_ON means air flow is detected. ST_NUL means no |
| ST_ON | 4 |
| air flow switch is configured. |
| ST_NUL | 255 |
| |
| OaEnthCalc | nvoData1 | siCalcODEnthalpyS7 | btu/lb |
| X |
| siCalcODEnthalpyS7: siCalcODEnthalpyS7 is the calculated outdoor air |
| (nvoCtlDataG1) |
| 0 to 100 |
| enthalpy in btu / lb calculated from the siOutdoorTempS7 and |
| ubOutdoorHumidityS1. siCalcODEnthalpyS7 is used to determine the |
| suitability of outside air for cooling when nciConfig.EconEnable is |
| SINGLE_ENTH and both outdoor temperature and humidity sensors are |
| present. siCalcODEnthalpyS7 is compared to the enthalpy setpoint stored |
| in nciAux1SetPts.ubOdEnthalpyEnableS2. |
| RaEnthCalc | nvoData1 | siCalcRAEnthalpyS7 | btu/lb |
| X |
| siCalcRAEnthalpyS7: siCalcRAEnthalpyS7 is the calculated return air |
| (nvoCtlDataG1) |
| 0 to 100 |
| enthalpy in btu / lb calculated from the siReturnTempS7 and |
| ubReturnHumidityS1. siCalcRAEnthalpyS7 is used to determine the |
| suitability of outside air for cooling when nciConfig.EconEnable is |
| DIFF_ENTH and both outdoor and return (or space) temperature sensors |
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| and humidity sensors are present. Sensors may be physically connected to |
| the node or available over the network. | |
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