HP T3204 manual Gg Gg

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Contents GG GG Page 136578±001, Rev B US and Canada Radio Interference Note Ri rrkTrademarks About thi Opertor Guide Table of ontents Basic Operating ProceduresPage Aution Powering On the PrinterStatus Indicator Lights Using the primary operator panelCancel On LINE/PAUSE Printing Modes Loading Media Metal HUB Loading mediaTo load fan±folded media, proceed as follows Printhead Media Hinge Latch Guide Plate Noe Loading media Loading media Loading media Unloading Media Unloading media Right-Hand Front Panel Installing the Ribbon Installing the ribbon Hook Removing the Ribbon Removing the ribbon Printhead Hinge Latch Plate Selecting Print Mode Selecting Gap Sensor Setting Print Intensity Slctin Mia Hanlin To enter the media handling To view the desired Selecting media handlingSelecting the Ribbon Saver Leaning the Printer Cleaning the Outside of the CabinetCleaning the printer Prom Fault Fault MessagesMedia Fault Fault messagesPage 6662