NOTICE: Remove all cardboard packing from around chamber before installing burner.
The oil burner will mount on three stud mounting bolts on the lower mounting plate covering the opening in the front of the heat exchanger. The end of the burner tube should be inserted no further than 1/4 inch back from the inside surface of the combustion chamber. A distance further than 1/4 inch back from the inside chamber wall may cause impingement and sooting. This unit is equipped with a chamber retainer (refer to Fig.12). The retainer secures the chamber during shipping and helps to maintain insertion depth.
DO NOT remove this retainer when installing burner.
Fig. 12: Typical location of the over fire air tap and components in burner mounting plate area
Fig. 13: Burner insertion illustration (Top view)
When mounting the burner, the mounting plate (Fig. 12) must be removed to provide access to the area in front of the combustion chamber. A fiber insulating sleeve or amulet is provided on the burner tube of specific Thermo Pride burners.(see Fig. 13). See Thermo Pride burner application chart for type of insulator. Do not allow the burner tube or end cone to physically touch or protrude into the chamber, as excess heat transfer could result in destruction of the tube, end cone or both. The burner tube/end cone is properly positioned, when the end is ¼ inch back from the inside surface of the combustion chamber wall.