Thermo Products OL6RA072DV5(B/R), OL6FA072DV5(B/R), OL6RX072DV5(R) Thermostat Anticipator Setting

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Thermostat Anticipator Setting:

Figure 15: The Fan Control Module

NOTICE: It is important to confirm that the operating voltage of the humidifier or EAC being installed matches the output of this control. If not, a field supplied relay or transformer may be necessary to provide the proper control and supply voltage for the accessory being installed. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the humidifier or EAC for additional information.

Thermostat Anticipator Setting:

Proper control of the indoor air temperature can only be achieved if the thermostat is calibrated to the heating and/or cooling cycle. Calibration will help to produce a more constant indoor temperature by adjusting the length of the heating/cooling cycle to fit the application. A vital consideration of this calibration is related to the thermostat heat anticipator.

The proper thermostat heat anticipator setting is 0.1 ampere. To increase the length of the cycle, increase the setting of the heat scale; to decrease the length of the cycle, decrease the setting of the heat scale.

Anticipators for the cooling operation are generally pre-set by the thermostat manufacturer and require no adjustment.

Anticipators for the heating operation are of two types, pre-set and adjustable. Those that are pre-set will not have an adjustment scale and are generally marked accordingly. Thermostat models having a scale as shown in Figure 16 on the next page, must be adjusted to each application.


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Contents OL6RX072DV5R OL6RA072D48B/ROL6FA072D48B/R OL6RA072DV5B/RCONTENTS Fuel ConfigurationFeature Model Number Digit1.Excess oil has accumulated I. SAFETY SECTIONcWARNING AND CAUTIONS cCAUTION DO NOT ATTEMPT TO START THE BURNER WHENPage a. Combustible material A. CODES AND CLEARANCESb. Non-combustiblematerial MODEL NO A. CHIMNEYTYPE OF FROM2. PREVENTION OF CHIMNEY CONDENSING 1. PROPER CHIMNEY SIZE3. PROPER CHIMNEY HEIGHT 4. PROPER VENT CONNECTOR PIPE/CHIMNEY CONNECTION9 FLUE PIPE CLEARANCES, SIZING AND TYPE 7. TIGHT CLEAN-OUTDOORS AND CONNECTIONS6. TIGHT JOINTS 8. NO INTERCONNECTED CHIMNEY FLUESB. VENTING ROTATION OF FRONT FLUE ELBOW C. DRAFT REGULATORSNote Do not use with Direct Vent application Airflow Requirements and Sizing of Duct Work D. DUCT WORK/AIR CONDITIONINGPage The ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentalsis an excellent source of duct system design principles and pressure drop data. Conversely, for a specified type of fitting, it is also possible to determine the required size or diameter of the component for a specified pressure drop and flow rate 1.1 X TR TEMPERATURE RISE, F = HEATINGCFM 1.HEATING CFM HEAT OUTPUT OF FURNACE BTUHFilter Type E. Air Filters Mounted Internal to FurnaceMaximum Model NumberF. LIMIT POSITION AND LOCATION DO NOT CHANGE POSITION OF THE CHAMBER G. BURNER INSTALLATIONNOZZLE SIZE H. BURNER SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICATIONSOIL NOZZLE CAPACITY CHART + INSULATOR S = SLEEVE OR N = NONENOZZLE SIZE 2 STAGE FIRING RATESCAPACITY FIRINGI. OIL TANK AND PIPING MOUNTING THE 2-STAGERIELLO BURNER5.A readily accessible, design-certified,manual oil shutoff valve, with a non-displaceablerotor member, shall be installed in the fuel oil supply piping within 6 feet of the appliance Maximum J. OIL FILTERK. ELECTRICAL WIRIING AssemblyWire size selections in Table 10 are based upon Table 310-16of the National Electrical Codefor three copper conductors, with insulation rated for 75 degrees Celsius, contained in raceway at 30 degrees Celsius. For other wire insulation temperature ratings and ambient conditions, refer to the National Electrical Codefor the minimum wire sizing requirements Thermostat Anticipator Setting Preferred method of adjustment L. Blower Motor Speed Selection Draw Amps/ / Watts vs Heating Speed Set-upsOL6*A072DV5 Furnace Motor CurrentHeating Speed Set-ups 2 - Stage OL6*X072DV5 LOW CAPACITYHIGH CAPACITY = Recommended heating speed settingExternal Static Pressure in W.C Cooling Speed Set-ups OL6**072DV5Furnace Motor Current Draw Amps / Watts vsPage TERMINAL DEFINITIONS & FIELD WIRING M. BLOWER CONTROLLER INFORMATION FOR PSC MOTORB. Outputs A. InputsC. Operating Modes Heat Mode DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES PSC TROUBLE SHOOTINGi.STOP! Read the safety information above N. STARTUP PROCEDURESOperating Instructions For Your Safety Read Before OperatingTo Turn Off Oil to Appliance 2. Adjustment of Burner CombustionCOMBUSTION HEAD SETTING FOR 2-STAGERIELLO BURNER AIR DAMPER ADJUSTMENT TURN TO THE RIGHT SIGN +TURN TO THE LEFT SIGN 2nd STAGE ADJUSTMENT 1st STAGE ADJUSTMENTNotice Minimum return air temperature is 55F 3. Adjustment Of Heat Input Rate4. Setting Supply Air Temperature Rise 5. Checkout Procedure cCAUTION DO NOT ATTEMPT TO START THE BURNER WHEN III. USERS INFORMATION SECTIONC. INSPECTION AREAS cCAUTION DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE REPAIRS YOURSELFD. STARTING THE BURNER E. FILTER CLEANING AND LOCATIONIV. INSTALLERS INSTRUCTIONS TO USER V. DEALER MAINTENANCE A.GENERAL INSPECTIONSAFETY DURING SERVICING AND INSPECTION B. HEAT EXCHANGER C. HEAT EXCHANGER CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSVacuum Hose Length OL6 8FT Figure 24 Heat Exchanger Clean-OutsF. SUPPLY/RETURN AIR FILTER Filter maintenance procedureD. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM E. SUPPLY/RETURN AIR BLOWERG. EXTENDED APPLIANCE SHUTDOWN Filter replacementON STARTUP 2.Remove the furnace front door Riello Burner Beckett BurnerPERSONNEL, AND NOT BY THE FURNACE OWNER VII. TROUBLESHOOTINGA. DIAGNOSTICS Diagnostic FeaturesB. CAD CELL CHECKOUT PROCEDURE VIII. Sequence of Operations Flow Chart Page IX. Trouble Shooting Flow Chart Page Page Page Page CUSTOMER HEATINGSYSTEM Replacement Parts for OL6F*072D Appendix - A Replacement PartsPage Replacement Parts for OL6R*072D Page OL6*A072D48 PSC Wiring Diagram Appendix - B Wiring DiagramsOL6*A072DV5 ECM Wiring Diagram OL6*X072DV5 ECM 2-StageWiring Diagram