HP 16532A - General Information
Bandwidth(* ,1): dc to 250 MHz (real time,
Maximum Sample Rate: 1 Gigasample per second
Number of Channels: 2, 4, 6, 8 simultaneous channels using the same time base setting(s)
Up to 10 channels with independent time bases for each pair of channels.
Up to 18 channels with the HP 16501A Expansion Frame.
Rise Time(2): 1.4 ns
Vertical Resolution: 8 bits over 4 vertical divisions (± 0.4%)
Waveform Record Length: 8000 points
Time Interval Measurement Accuracy(* ,3,6): ± [(0.005% X Δt)+ (2 x 10− 6 x delay setting)+ 150 ps]
Vertical (dc) Gain Accuracy(4): ± 1.5% of full scale
DC Offset Accuracy(* ): ± (1.0% of channel offset + 2.0% of full scale)
Voltage Measurement Accuracy(* ,5): ± [(1.5% of full scale + offset accuracy) + (0.008 x V/div)]
Trigger Sensitivity(* ): dc to 50 MHz: 0.063 x full scale, 50 to 250 MHz: 0.125 x full scale
Input Coupling: 1 MΩ: ac and dc, 50 Ω: dc only
Input R (selectable) (* ): 1 MΩ: ± 1%, 50 Ω: ± 1%
Input C: Approximately 7 pF
*Specifications (valid within ± 10° C of
1. Upper bandwidth reduces by 2.5 MHz for every degree C above 35° C. 0.35
3.Specification applies to the maximum sampling rate. At lower rates, the specification is:
± [(0.005% x Δt)+ (2 x
(tr = 1.4 x sample interval). Sample interval is defined as sample rate
4.Vertical gain accuracy decreases 0.08% per degree C from software calibration temperature.
5.Digitizing level = (# vertical divisions)(12)(LSB1 ), where LSB= 2 # bits in ADC
6.The Time Interval Measurement Accuracy deteriorates across multiple modules connected as one unit with each added module.