Wayne CWS100, CWS50, CWS75 Aspring Blake Stream, Pond, C Dug Well, E Drilled Well, D Driven Well

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CWS50, CWS75 and CWS100




Water Supplies





























Operating Instructions & Parts Manual


A spring that emerges from the ground. Occurs when water in permeable materials is trapped between impermeable material as rock or clay.

(B)LAKE, STREAM or POND: Surface water, unless treated, is usually not safe for human consumption. It may be used for purposes such as washing or irrigation.


A hole is excavated several feet in diameter to a fairly shallow depth. It is then lined with brick, stone or concrete to prevent cave-in.

(D)DRIVEN WELL: Pipe with a pointed screen is driven into the ground below the water table. The depth is usually less than 50 feet. Available diameters are

1" through 2".


A hole bored into the earth with machinery and lined with pipe. Depths range from a few feet to over 1000 feet. Common well diameters are 2", 3", 4" and 6" for domestic water wells.


An underground tank built to collect rain water from rooftops. The water is not fit

for human consumption.


Figure 17 - Water Supplies

Image 8
Contents Safety Guidelines General Safety InformationGENERAL SAFETY 7.Personal SafetyGeneral Safety Information Continued Pre-InstallationPRESSURE SWITCH CWS50, CWS75 and CWS100Installation SHALLOW WELL INSTALLATIONContinued PACKAGE SYSTEMSInstallation Continued DEEP WELL INSTALLATIONCWS50, CWS75 and CWS100 Operating Instructions & Parts ManualElectrical Installation ContinuedMaintenance Electrical ContinuedOperation PRIMING THE SHALLOW WELL PUMPMaintenance Continued INSTALLING NEW SHAFT SEALPRE-CHARGEDTANK LUBRICATIONASPRING BLAKE STREAM, POND C DUG WELLE DRILLED WELL D DRIVEN WELLOperating Instructions & Parts Manual Troubleshooting ChartCWS50, CWS75 and CWS100 Replacement Parts List Please provide following informationAddress any correspondence to Model numberPerformance Limited Warranty ATTACH YOUR RECEIPT HERECWS50, CWS75 and CWS100 Operating Instructions & Parts ManualPuit convertible Systèmes DEau De Pompe À Jet DéballageDirectives de Sécurité Généralités Sur La SécuritéPré-Installation Généralités Sur La Sécurité SuiteCWS50, CWS75 et CWS100 Instructions D’utilisation et Manual de PiècesPré-Installation Suite INSTALLATION DE PUITS DE SURFACESYSTÈMES EN PAQUETS PUITSInstallation Suite INSTALLATION POUR PUITS PROFOND16-Fr CWS50, CWS75 et CWS100Électrique Suite 17-FrInstallation Suite CWS50, CWS75 et CWS100Fonctionnement EntretienAMORÇAGE DE LA POMPE POUR PUITS DE SURFACE AMORÇAGE DE LA POMPE POUR PUITS PROFONDINSTALLATION D’UN NOUVEAU JOINT D’ARBRE Entretien SuiteRÉSERVOIRS SATURÉS D’EAU CHARGÉS D’AVANCE RÉSERVOIR CHARGÉ D’AVANCEC PUITS CREUSÉ E PUITS FORÉÀ EAU D PUITS ENFONCÉTableau de dépannage 21-FrCWS50, CWS75 et CWS100 Instructions D’utilisation et Manual de PiècesListe de pièces de rechange S’il vous plaît fournir l’information suivanteAdresser toute correspondance à 22-Fr23-Fr PerformancePression de Décharge kPa 12,2Garantie Limitée 24-FrCWS50, CWS75 et CWS100 Instructions D’utilisation et Manual de PiècesPozo convertible Sistemas de Agua Con Bomba de ChorroDescripción Para DesempacarPre-Instalación CWS50, CWS75, y CWS100Manual de instrucciones de operación y piezas FUENTES DE SUMINISTRO DE AGUAPre-Instalación Continued InstalaciónPAQUETES DE SISTEMAS POZOSInstalación Continued INSTALACIÓN EN UN PROFUNDO28-Sp CWS50, CWS75, y CWS100Eléctricas 29-SpInstalación Continued CWS50, CWS75, y CWS100Funcionamiento MantenimientoCEBADO DE LA BOMBA PARA POZOS POCO PROFUNDOS CEBADO DE LA BOMBA PARA POZOS PROFUNDOSEléctricas Continued DRENAJE DEL TONQUEPRECARGADO PARA VOLVER A HACER FUNCIONAR LA BOMBA32-Sp MantenimientoCWS50, CWS75, y CWS100 ContinuedTabla de Identificación de Problemas 33-SpCWS50, CWS75, y CWS100 Manual de instrucciones de operación y piezasLista de Partes de Reparación Sirvase darnos la siguiente informaciónDirija toda la correspondencia a Número del modeloRendimiento 35-SpPresión de Descarga bar 1,38Garantía Limitada ANEXE SU RECIBO AQUI36-Sp CWS50, CWS75, y CWS100