During the heating season, if an external low water cutoff is on the boiler, the blow off valve should be opened once a month (use greater frequency where conditions warrant) to flush out the sediment chamber so the device will be free to function properly.
Low water cutoffs and water feeders should be dismantled annually by qualified personnel, to the extent necessary to insure freedom from obstructions and proper functioning of the working parts. Inspect connecting lines to boiler for accumulation of mud, scale, etc., and clean as required. Examine all visible wiring for brittle or worn insulation and make sure electrical contacts are clean and that they function properly. Give special attention to solder joints on bellows and float when this type of control is used. Check float for evidence of collapse and check mercury bulb (where applicable) for mercury separation or discoloration. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR MECHANISMS IN THE FIELD. Complete replacement mechanisms, including necessary gaskets and installation instructions, are available from the manufacturer.
D.CHECK BURNER AND CONTROLS at least once a year. See Section IV - Operating Instructions, Step J for control checks. See Burner Manual for burner tests and adjustments.
E.LUBRICATE BOILER COMPONENTS according to manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, this involves the oil burner and circulator. This includes the type of lubricant to use, frequency of lubrication, and points to lubricate.
1.Keep radiators and convectors clean.
2.If a hot water radiator is hot at the bottom but not at the top, it indicates that air has accumulated inside and should be vented. To vent radiator, hold small cup under air vent (located near top of radiator), open vent until water escapes and then close.
3.If much water is added to system, it is advisable to heat system to a high temperature and vent again. This will make less venting necessary during the winter.
4.Where an expansion tank is used, make sure that neither the tank nor its drain pipe is exposed to freezing temperatures. Never place valves in piping leading to or from expansion tank.
5.Boiler and system cleaning will help assure trouble free operation. See Section IV - Operating Instructions, Steps K or L for procedure.
If boiler is not used during winter time, it must be fully drained to prevent freeze damage.
1.Spray inside surfaces with light lubricating or crankcase oil using gun with extended stem so as to reach all corners.
2.With steam boilers, at end of season add sufficient water to fill boiler to top of water column and leave it that way until fall when water should be drained again to proper level. If at this time boiler water is dirty, drain water, flush out boiler, and refill with clean water to prescribed water level.
3.Always keep the manual fuel supply valve shut off when the burner is shut down for an extended period of time.
4.To recondition the heating system in the fall season after a prolonged shut down, follow the instructions outlined in Section IV - Operating Instructions, Steps B through L.