Frymaster 8195915 operation manual Basket Lift Problems, Filtration Problems

Page 35

6.2.3 Basket Lift Problems


Probable Causes

Corrective Action

Basket lift


Apply a light coating of

Lack of lubrication on basket lift

Lubriplateor similar lightweight

movement is noisy,


white grease to the rod and

jerky, or erratic.





6.2.4 Filtration Problems






Probable Causes

Corrective Action



A. Verify that the power cord is


A. Power cord is not plugged in or

fully plugged in. If so, verify


circuit breaker is tripped.

that circuit breaker is not






B. If the motor is too hot to touch



for more than a few seconds, the


B. Pump motor has overheated

thermal overload switch has


causing the thermal overload

probably tripped. Allow the

Filter pump won't

switch to trip.

motor to cool at least 45


minutes then press the Pump




Reset Switch.




C. Blockage in filter pump.

C. Pump blockages are usually


Test: Close the drain valve and

caused by sediment buildup in


the pump due to improperly


pull the filter pan out from the

sized or installed filter paper


fryer. Activate the pump. If the

and failure to use the crumb


pump motor hums for a short time

screen. Call FASC.


then stops, the probable cause is



blockage of the pump itself.


Filter pump runs

Blockage in filter pan suction tube.

The blockage may be caused by


sediment buildup or, if solid

but oil does not

Test: Close the drain valve and pull

shortening is used, solidified

return to frypot and

the filter pan out from the fryer.

shortening in the tube. Use a thin,

there is no bubbling

Activate the pump. If the air or

flexible wire to remove the

oil or air coming

bubbling oil comes out of the Power

blockage. If the blockage cannot

from the Power

Shower, there is a blockage in the

be removed, call FASC.


filter pan suction tube.





Image 35
Contents PRO Series Electric Fryers Hour Service HotlineCanada Page Table of Contents General Safety InformationPRO Series Electric Fryers Introduction European Community CE Specific Information Computer InformationService Information PRO Series Electric Fryers Installation Instructions AWG AustraliaPage Page PRO Series Electric Fryers Operating Instructions Equipment Setup and Shutdown ProceduresSetup Controllers ShutdownPage PRO Series Electric Fryers Filtration Instructions Page Preparation for Use with Filter Paper or Filter Pad Use filter powder with the pad Preparation for Use with the Magnasol Filter AssemblyPage Snap the Power Shower into position Filter Pump Reset Switch Reassembly CleaningDraining and Disposing of Waste Oil PRO Series Electric Fryers Preventative Maintenance Gasket Page Built-In Filtration System Annual/Periodic System InspectionFryer Page Introduction PRO Series Electric Fryers Operator TroubleshootingFryer does not heat Troubleshooting Control and Heating ProblemsController wont ActivateCycles on and off When first startedHeat indicator on Fryer repeatedlyError Messages and Display Problems Displayed constantly Temperature isCM III frypot Display is in wrong Temperature scaleHeating mode light Digital controllerFiltration Problems Basket Lift ProblemsSlow and bubbling Power ShowerPower Shower not But oil return is veryThis page Intentionally Left Blank Service Hotline