Cooking Meat on Combination
Tips for cooking Poultry on Combination
1.Turning / Basting / Draining
For best results, whole chickens should be turned halfway through cooking and basted. Drain any excess meat juices and fat.
To prevent
Ensure foil does not touch Wire Rack Shelf, walls, roof or door of oven.
DO NOT cover poultry when cooking by Combination.
DO NOT stuff the complete cavity of poultry if cooking by Combination. Neck end of bird only may be stuffed. Cook stuffing separately on Microwave SIMMER power.
5.Calculating the Cooking Time
As a rough guide, cook poultry 2/3 of the usual total conventional cooking time. For poultry, best results are obtained by using the same temperature as for conventional cooking. Check the internal temperature before STANDING.
Allow poultry to STAND for
7.Maximum Weight
DO NOT attempt to cook joints over 6lb (2.7kg) in weight. Avoid excessively fatty joints.
Tips for cooking Small Cuts on Combination
Most thicker, cuts benefit from turning during cooking. When turning, remove Wire Rack Shelf completely. If cooking small items directly on Ceramic Insulating Tray, remove tray to turn food - DO NOT leave shelf extended from oven as there is NO
Arrange small cuts evenly and for best results use full width of oven. DO NOT pile foods on top of each other, arrange in a single layer only.
3.Draining Juices
For best results, place food directly on Wire Rack Shelf using Ceramic Insulating Tray on base of oven to catch drips. This tray must be removed for cleaning to avoid excessive smoke/splatter and to cook efficiently.
Small items can be placed directly on Ceramic Insulating Tray on top of Wire Rack Shelf.
4.Standing Time
Small cuts require
5.Calculating the Cooking Time
Cooking small cuts on Combination grill allows most cuts to brown and crisp more quickly than when conventionally grilled. Allow roughly 2/3 the conventional time as a guide.
DO NOT place food on a metal tray/container as this will slow down cooking time by reducing effect of Microwave Power.
7.Cleaning the Oven
It is essential that the oven is kept very clean for Combination Grill, to avoid excess smoke and splatter.