Fuel warning
No smoking when filling with gaso- line. Do not overfill. Full level is 1 in. below the top of the fuel neck. Stop the engine for five minutes before refueling to avoid the heat from the muffler igniting fuel vapors.
engine LUBRICANT warning
You must add lubricant before first op- erating the generator. The oil reservoir
capacity is 1.1 qt. Always check the lubricant level before each operation. The
lubricant level should always register be- tween the hatched areas on the dipstick. The unit is equipped with a sensor which
will automatically shut off the engine if the lubricant level falls below a safe limit.
grounding warning
National Electric Code requires generator to be grounded to an approved earth ground.
Product does not include ground rod or copper wire. National Electric Code requires generator to be properly grounded to an approved earth ground. Call an electrician for local grounding requirements.
Le produit ne comprend pas de piquet de terre ou de fil en cuivre. Le code electrique americain (National Electric Code) requiert un générateur pour une bonne mise à la terre approuvée. Appeler un électricien pour connaître les exigences locales de mise à la terre.
El producto no incluye el alambre de cobre ni la barra de conexión a tierra. Los Reglamentos Nacionales de Electricidad exigen que el generador esté debidamente conectado a una tierra aprobada. Comuniquese con un electrista para todo lo relacionado con los requistos de conexión a tierra.
Hot SURFACE warning
Do not touch the muffler or aluminum cylinder of the engine. They are very HOT and will cause severe burns. Don’t put any flammable or combustible materials in the direct path of the exhaust.