For each slot that you enter, the system asks for specific port numbers:
Select Ethernet port(s)
3Enter the number(s) of the port(s) that you want to configure:
Default To select the default all, press Return.
Enter enable or disable to select the IFM mode for each selected port:
Enter new value (disabled, enabled) [disabled]:
4Enter enabled to set the port to IFM mode or disabled to deactivate IFM for the port.
Default To select the port’s current setting, shown in brackets, press Return. This action leaves the port setting unchanged.
5Repeat step 4 to configure all selected ports in all selected slots.
Bridge MIB Support for the FESM
FESM support has been added to the Bridge MIB.
Filter MIB Support
To support Filter Builder software, this revision adds the Filter MIB (address group, port group, and bridge packet filter program). See the Filter Builder Getting Started Guide, which is shipped with the Filter Builder software, for more information about the Filter Builder product.
FTP Packet Filter Program Transfers via SNMP
You can now use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to transfer a
Disconnecting an Active telnet or rlogin Session
Modifications to the telnet and rlogin features of the CoreBuilder 6000 system now allow you to preempt users by forcing a disconnection. This administrative feature requires that you use the system Administer password at the Administration Console.
The rlogin usage is identical to the telnet usage. Simply substitute rlogin wherever you see telnet.