■3Com recommends that you
■When the first FDDI MAC address of an FSM is assigned to the backplane, FDDI ports are renumbered.
■A maximum of four interfaces per system may have RMON group Host or RMON group Matrix enabled. A maximum of two interfaces per module can have RMON groups enabled.
The ESM supports only RMON groups 1 through 4.
Packet filtering on the transmit path is not available on frames that are routed by the CoreBuilder system.
■Roving Analysis is not supported on a port with an assigned IP router interface.
Roving Analysis is not supported on the FESM.
A Roving Analysis frame over a remote
■When configuring Roving Analysis on an ESM, the system accepts an unknown MAC address as the analyzer port.
■Bridging performance and routing performance are degraded on a Roving Analysis monitor port, or if RMON Host or Matrix groups are configured.
EFSM packet filters can access packet data through byte 64 in packet.
A maximum of 254 unique RMON Owner descriptions (etherStatsOwner, historyControlOwner, alarmOwner, and eventOwner) can be configured.
■When you install revision 8.2.0 of CoreBuilder 6000 Intelligent Switching software on a LMM+ that is running revision 8.2.3 Extended Switching software and you have defined
Installation complete, enter this command: