If you have an LMM+ at a revision earlier than 1.21 (for revision 1 modules) or 2.12 (for revision 2 modules), call 3Com at
Extended Switching Release 8.0.0 or greater of Extended Switching Software requires a Software minimum of 2 MB of memory on Ethernet/FDDI Switching Modules
Requirement (EFSMs). Memory configuration may vary. If you have an EFSM with 1 MB of memory, you can order a memory upgrade. Contact your sales representative.
To determine the amount of memory on the EFSM, look at the lower ejector tab label or use the system display command from the top level of the Administration Console. EFSMs with only 1 MB of memory have blank lower ejector tabs. EFSMs with a minimum of 2 MB of memory have “2MB” on the lower ejector tab labels.
Release Highlights | CoreBuilder system software release 8.2.3 offers support for the following |
for 8.2.3 | items: |
■Software support for
■Support for seven RMON data groups
■IP interface configuration change
■Routing on FESM Modules
Additional RMON MIB support
RMON support for FDDI switched ports
For more information about this release, see “What’s New at Revision 8.2.3?” on page 9.
Release Highlights CoreBuilder system software release 8.2.0 supports the following items: for 8.2.0
■Fast Ethernet Switching Module (FESM)
■FESM and FSM HSI Switch Engines
■Ability to administer Fast Ethernet Ports
■Bridge MIB support for the FESM