Chapter 2
Network configuration
Use BayStack 420 switches to connect workstations, personal computers (PCs), and servers to each other by connecting these devices directly to the switch, through a shared media hub connected to the switch or by creating a virtual LAN (VLAN) through the switch.
This chapter describes the following topics:
•“Network configuration examples,” next
•“BayStack 420 Switch stack operation” on page 49
•“IEEE 802.1Q VLAN workgroups” on page 54
•“MultiLink Trunks” on page 70
•“Port mirroring” on page 85
Network configuration examples
This section provides four network configuration examples using BayStack 420 switches. In these examples, the packet classification feature can be used to prioritize the traffic of the network to ensure uninterrupted traffic of critical applications. The examples are:
•Desktop switch application (next)
•Segment switch application (page 46)