Chapter 1 BayStack 420 Switch 27
The Console port is a
Note: The console port is configured as a data communications equipment (DCE) connector. Ensure that your
The Console port default settings are: 9600 baud with eight data bits, one stop bit, and no parity as the communications format, with flow control set to enabled.
Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC)
Gigabit Interface Converters (GBICs) are
Port connectors
The BayStack 420 Switch uses
The BayStack 420 Switch uses autosensing ports designed to operate at 10 Mb/s (megabits per second) or at 100 Mb/s, depending on the connecting device. These ports support the IEEE 802.3u autonegotiation standard, which means that when a port is connected to another device that also supports the IEEE 802.3u standard, the two devices negotiate the best speed and duplex mode.