This guide provides information about configuring your network using the
commands supported on the 3Com® Switch 5500 Family.
The descriptions in this guide apply to the Switch 5500-SI and Switch 5500-EI.
Differences between the models are noted in the text.

Organization of the


The Switch 5500 Family Configuration Guide consists of the following chapters:
Getting Started—Details the main features and configurations of the Switch
Address Management—Details how to configure the switch on which the
Address Manage (AM) feature is enabled.
Port Operation—Details how to configure Ethernet port and link aggregation.
XRN Fabric—Details how to configure an XRN fabric.
DLDP—Drtails overview and fundamentals for Device Link Detection Protocol.
VLAN Operation—Details how to configure VLANs.
GVRP Configuration—Details GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
VLAN-VPN—Details configuration information to create VLAN-VPNs.
DHCP—Details Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
Reliability—Details Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
MSTP—Details Multiple spanning tree protocol.
Centralized MAC address authentication—Details Centralized MAC
address authentication configuration.
SSH—Details Secure Shell authentication.
IP Routing Protocol Operation—Details how to configure routing protocols.
Network Protocol Operation—Details how to configure network protocols.
Multicast Protocol—Details how to configure multicast protocols.
ACL Configuration—Details how to configure QoS/ACL.
QoS—Detais Quality of Service
RSTP Configuration—Details how to configure RSTP.
802.1x Configuration—Details how to configure 802.1x.
File System Management—Details how to configure file system
Port Tracking—Details Port Tracking Configuration.