Configuration File Backup and Restoration 443
Configuration File Backup and Restoration
The configuration file backup and restoration feature enables you to perform the
following tasks:
1Copy the current configurations on switch to a file on a TFTP server as a backup.
2Download the configuration file backed up on the TFTP server to switch, and set this
file as the configuration file that will be used upon next start.
Before performing the following operations, you should first start the TFTP server and
make sure the switch can communicate with the TFTP server normally.
Configuration Procedure
Perform the following operations in user view.
FTP Overview FTP is a common way to transmit files on the Internet and IP network. Before the
World Wide Web (WWW), files were transmitted in the command line mode and FTP
was the most popular application. Even now, FTP is still used widely, while most users
transmit files using e-mail and Web.
FTP, a TCP/IP protocol on the application layer, is used for transmitting files between a
remote server and a local host.
The Switch provides the following FTP services:
FTP server: You can run FTP client program to log in the server and access the files
on it.
FTP client: After connected to the server through running the terminal emulator or
Telnet on a PC, you can access the files on it, using FTP command.
Figure112 FTP Configuration
Table483 Back up and restore configuration file
Operation Command Description
Back up the current configurations on
one specified switch or all the switches
in the fabric to a file on a TFTP server.
backup { unit unit-id | fabric }
current-configuration to
tftp-address file-name
Download configuration the file
backed up on a TFTP server to switch
and set the file to the configuration
file used upon next startup of switch
restore { unit unit-id | fabric }
startup-configuration from
tftp-address file-name
Swit ch PC
Netwo rk
Swit chSwit ch PC
Netwo rk