Centralized MAC Address Authentication 407
Configuring the User
Name and Password for
Fixed Mode
If you configure the centralized MAC address authentication mode to be fixed mode,
you need to configure the user name and password for fixed mode.
Configuring Domain
Name Used by the MAC
Address Authentication
You can use the following commands to configure the ISP domain used by the
centralized MAC address authentication user.
Perform the following configuration in System View.
Table433 Configuring the ISP Domain used by the Centralized MAC Address Authentication
By default, the domain used by the centralized MAC address authentication user is
null, that is, not configured.
Configuring Centralized
MAC Address
Authentication Timers
Centralized MAC address authentication timers include:
Offline-detect: Sets the time interval for the Switch to detect whether the user is
offline. When the Switch detects that the user is offline, it notifies the RADIUS server
immediately, and the server stops charging the user from that address.
Quiet: If the authentication to the user fails, the Switch needs a period of quiet time
(set by the quiet timer) before it re-authenticates. The Switch does not authenticate
during the quiet time.
Server-timeout: During the authentication to the user, if the connection between the
Switch and the RADIUS server times out, the Switch denies the user’s access to the
network on corresponding ports.
Perform the following configuration in System View.
Table434 Configuring Centralized MAC Address Authentication Timers
By default, the offline-detect time is 300 seconds; quiet time is 60 seconds; and the
server-timeout time is 100 seconds.
Table432 Configure the user name and password for fixed mode
Operation Command Description
Enter system view system-view —
Configure a user name for
fixed mode
authusername username
By default, the user name is mac
and the password is not required.
Configure the password
for fixed mode
authpassword password
Operation Command
Configure the ISP domain used by the
centralized MAC address authentication user
mac-authentication domain isp_name
Return to the defaults undo mac-authentication domain
Operation Command
Configure centralized
MAC address
authentication timers
mac-authentication timer { offline-detect
offline_detect_value | quiet quiet_value |
server-timeout server_timeout_value }
Return to the defaults undo mac-authentication timer { offline-detect |
quiet | server-timeout }