User Interface Configuration 47
Perform the following configuration in User Interface View.
Configure for password authentication when a user logs in through a VTY 0 user
interface and set the password to 3Com.
[SW5500]user-interface vty 0
[SW5500-ui-vty0]authentication-mode password
[SW5500-ui-vty0]set authentication password simple 3Com
2Perform local or remote authentication of the username and the password to the user
Using the authentication-mode scheme command, you can perform local or remote
authentication of username and password. The type of the authentication depends
on your configuration.
In the following example, local username and password authentication are
Perform username and password authentication when a user logs in through VTY 0
user interface and set the username and password to zbr and 3Com respectively.
[SW5500-ui-vty0]authentication-mode scheme
[SW5500]local-user zbr
[SW5500-luser-zbr]password simple 3Com
[SW5500-luser-zbr]service-type telnet
3No authentication
[SW5500-ui-vty0]authentication-mode none
By default, the password is required for authenticating Modem and Telnet users when
they log in. If the password has not been set, when a user logs in, he will see the
prompt Login password has not been set!
If the authentication-mode none command is used, the Modem and Telnet users
will not be required to enter a password.
Setting the command level used after a user has logged on The following
command is used for setting the command level used after a user logs in.
Perform the following configuration in Local-User View.
Table23 Configuring the local authentication password
Operation Command
Configure the local
authentication password
set authentication password { cipher | simple
Remove the local
authentication password
undo set authentication password
Table24 Setting the Command Level used after a User Logs In
Operation Command
Set command level used
after a user logs in
service-type { ftp [ ftp-directory directory |
lan-access | { ssh | telnet | terminal }* [
level level ] }
Restore the default
command level used after
a user logs in
undo service-type { ftp [ ftp-directory ]
lan-access | { ssh | telnet | terminal }* }