The Switch provides a command to turn on/off the synchronization Switch in every
Switch. If the synchronization Switch of a Switch is turned off, it does not send
information to other Switches but still receives information from others.
1Enable info-center
Perform the following operation in System View.
Table555 Enable/Disable Info-center
2Turn on the information synchronization Switch
Perform the following operation in System View.
Table556 Turn on/off the Information Synchronization Switch of every Switch
You can turn on/off the synchronization Switch of the specified information on the
specified Switch as needed.
Displaying and Debugging Info-center
After the above configuration, performing the display command in any view, you
can view the running state of the info-center. You can also authenticate the effect of
the configuration by viewing displayed information. By performing the reset
command in User View, you can clear the statistics of info-center.
Perform the following operation in User View. The display command still can be
performed in any view.
Figure126 Displaying and Debugging Info-center
Operation Command
Enable info-center info-center enable
Disable info-center undo info-center enable
Operation Command
Turn on the information
synchronization Switch of the
specified Switch
info-center switch-on { unit-id | master |
all } [ debugging | logging | trapping ]*
Turn off the information
synchronization Switch of the
specified Switch
undo info-center switch-on { unit-id |
master | all } [ debugging | logging |
trapping ]*
Operation Command
Display the content of information
display channel [ channel-number |
channel-name ]
Display configuration of system log and
memory buffer
display info-center
Clear information in memory buffer reset logbuffer
Clear information in trap buffer reset trapbuffer