Table385 Configuring Traffic Statistics
For details about the command, refer to the Command Reference Manual.
Configuring WRED
The function of WRED Operation is to avoid congestion in advance.
Perform the following configuration in the Ethernet Port View.
Table386 Configuring WRED Operation
For details about the command, refer to the Command Reference Manual.
Configuring Control
Over Telnet
Table387 describes the configuration specifications for control over logged in users.
Configuration Preparation
Decide the control policy over Telnet, configuring the source IP, destination IP, and
source MAC to control over. Also specify whether the control action is permitting or
denying access.
Controlling Telnet using Source IP
This configuration can be implemented by means of basic ACL, which ranges from
2000 to 2999.
Operation Command
Configure traffic
traffic-statistic inbound { user-group acl_number [
rule rule ] | ip-group acl_number [ rule rule [
link-group acl_number rule rule ] ] | link-group
acl_number [ rule rule ] }
Cancel the
configuration of traffic
undo traffic-statistic inbound { user-group
acl_number [ rule rule ] | ip-group acl_number [ rule
rule [ link-group acl_number rule rule ] ] |
link-group acl_number [ rule rule ] }
Display the statistics
display qos-interface { interface_name |
interface_type interface_num | unit_id }
Operation Command
Configure WRED Operation wred queue_index qstart probability
Cancel the configuration of WRED
undo wred queue_index
Table387 Control over logged in users
Login mode Control Method Implementation Relevant links
Telnet Control Telnet using
source IP
Implement by
means of basic ACL
1.9.2 Controlling Telnet using
Source IP
Control Telnet using
source IP and
destination IP
Implement by
means of advanced
1.9.3 Controlling Telnet using
Source IP and Destination IP
Control Telnet using
source MAC
Implement by
means of Layer 2
1.9.3 Controlling Telnet using
Source MAC
Table388 Control Telnet using source IP
Configuration Procedure Command Description
Enter system view system-view —