Bootrom Interface 625
Skipping the Current
Configuration File
Enter boot menu option 7 to enable the Switch to boot from the factory default
configuration file 3comoscfg.def.
When the Switch has booted from the factory default it can be configured with an
IP address and default gateway if needed.
The live configuration file (3comoscfg.cfg) can be added to a TFTP server and
Search through the file with a text editor until the following section is found:
local-user admin
password cipher ZG6-:\Y>MQGQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!
service-type telnet terminal
level 3
local-user manager
password simple manager
service-type telnet terminal
level 2
local-user monitor
password simple monitor
service-type telnet terminal
level 1
In the local-user admin section there is an entry called password which is
followed by either of the following entries:
nSimple - this enables you to read and/or change a password and send the
configuration file using TFTP back into the Switch.
nCipher - change this word to simple and replace the encrypted password with
a plain text password and send the configuration file using TFTP back into the
The manager and monitor passwords can be modified in the same way.
Bootrom Passwords The bootrom can be configured with a user defined password. Select Option 5 to
display the following:
Boot menu choice: 5
Old password:
New password:xxxx
Confirm password:xxxx
Current password has been changed successfully!
Table685 Configuration Files
Filename Description
3comoscfg.def This file contains the factory default configurations. It is only used if
there is no other configuration file present. This file should not be
3comoscfg.cfg This file contains the live configurations and is always used to load the
active configuration into the Switch unless the bootrom Skip
current configuration file is specified.