Chapter 4. Application Configuration
Factory: V.120 64k (Remote Access)
Call Type | Data 64kbps |
Auto Answer | Enabled |
DTR Option | Ignore DTR |
Flow Control | Hardware |
Protocol Type | CCITT V.120 |
Factory: Async BONDING 128k (Remote Access)
Call Type | Data 64kbps |
Auto Answer | Enabled |
DTR Options | Ignore DTR |
Flow Control | Hardware |
Protocol Type | Async BONDING |
Express Configuration Wizard
This section describes how to use the Express Configuration Wiz- ard software to configure the Express XRT for three common ap- plications: Internet access, remote access, and bulletin board service (BBS) access.
The Express Configuration Wizard software and the application software such as Chameleon™ for Internet™ access or ShivaRe- mote for remote access should be installed on the computer.
The following procedures have been written for Windows 3.1 op- erating systems. Other operating systems may vary.
Some features are not available in all versions of the Express Configura- tion Wizard.
Starting the Express Configuration Wizard Software
After installing the Express Configuration Wizard Software, use the following procedure to launch the software:
1.In the Windows Program Manager, open ADTRAN program group.
2.Double click on the icon labeled Express Configuration. The ADTRAN Express Configuration Wizard window is dis- played.
Express XRT User Guide | 39 |