Appendix C
Status Buffer Messages
2047 BERT orig
Test remote originated 2047 BERT (bit error rate test) pattern.
2047 loopbk ansr
Test remote answered 2047 BERT pattern.
The Express XRT answered a call on either the first or second channel. The calling phone number is displayed if available.
The network was unable to deliver access information to the far end.
Area Code Req'd
Area code required for Auto Spid determination.
AutoSpid Active
Unit is attempting automatic detection of switch type and SPID numbers.
AutoSpid Disable
The user has stopped the automatic SPID detection process.
AutoSpid Failed
Automatic determination of switch type and SPID numbers failed.
AutoSpid Passed
Automatic determination of switch type and SPID numbers suc- ceeded.
Express XRT User Guide | 73 |