Chapter 2: Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 (BACS 2) Applications
counter is incremented when the result of a transmission is reported as Transmit OK and the attempt value is 2.
Frames Tx with more than one Collision. A count of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully. This counter is incremented when the transmit status is reported as Transmit OK, and the value of the attempts variable is greater than 2 and less or equal to the attempt limit.
Frames Tx after Deferral. A count of frames whose transmission was delayed on the first attempt because the medium was busy. The frames involved in any collision are not counted.
Custom Statistics
Definitions of the custom statistics parameters are provided below.
Custom statistics are available only for an enabled adapter.
Number of Interrupts generated by this adapter. The number of interrupts generated by the device.
Number of Interrupts avoided by this adapter. The number of interrupts avoided by the device.
Tx Max Coalesce Frames Threshold hit. The number of times the Send Max Coalesce Frames Threshold was hit.
Rx Max Coalesce Frames Threshold hit. The number of times the Receive Max Coalesce Frames Threshold was hit.
DMA write Queue was full. The number of times the DMA write queue was full.
DMA write High Priority Queue was full. The number of times the DMA write high priority queue was full.
DMA Read Queue was full. The number of times the DMA read queue was full.
DMA Read High Priority Queue was full. The number of times the DMA read high priority queue was full.
Send Data Completion FTQ was full. The number of times the send data completion FTQ (flow through queue) was full.
NIC ran out of the Recv Buffer. The number of times the network adapter ran out of the Recv Buffer descriptors.
Frames size less than
MAC Rx w/ Pause Command and Length = 0. MAC control frames with the pause command and a length equal to 0.