Advanced Control Suite User’s Guide
BASP Files
See Table 2 for a list of the BASP files.
Table 2. Contents of the release.txt File
Filename | Description |
Makefile | makefile |
baspcfg | precompiled configuration utility |
bcmtype.h | commonly used type header file |
blf.c | BASP module entry points |
blf.h | ioctl interface |
blfcore.h | core interface |
blfcore.o | precompiled core object |
blfopt.h | automatically generated header file from |
| the Make |
blfver.h | version header file |
nicext.h | NICE header file |
pal.c | platform abstraction implementation |
pal.h | header for platform abstraction |
release.txt | this file |
NICE enabled driver for 2.2 kernel | |
NICE enabled driver for 2.4 kernel | |
scripts | contains sample scripts |
scripts/basp | init script, goes to /etc/rc.d/init.d |
scripts/baspteam | start/stop script, goes to /etc/basp |
scripts/baspif | start/stop network, i/f, goes to /etc/basp |
sample script of SLB team with three | |
| NICs |
sample script of GEC team with three | |
| NICs |
sample script of SLB team with 2 VLANs | |
basp.4 | man page |