This chapter describes AMSDOS, covering all the available commands and their uses. It details the format of filenames and provides a reference guide to the commands. Each step is illustrated by the use of examples.
Subjects covered in this chapter:
•Introduction to AMSDOS
•Disc Directory
•The format of file names
•AMSDOS file headers
•Wild cards
•An example program using AMSDOS Commands
•Reference Guide to AMSDOS Commands
•Manipulating files
•Reference guide to Error Messages
2.1 Introduction.
AMSDOS extends the AMSTRAD BASIC supplied with your CPC464 by the addition of a number of external commands and by
NOTE that where a string expression is required by an external command it must be passed a string variable address. See ERA as an example. Note also that it is not permitted to include the (bar) symbol in a REM statement.
AMSDOS allows the user to change discs freely, as long as no files are in use
Chapter 2.1 | AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface |