1.4.1 Turnkey BASIC using disc supplied.

Simply copy the master disc, with COPYDISC or DISCCOPY, preserve the master disc and use the copy. Follow the instructions provided to run the program. If you require any additional programs from your Master System/Utility disc, use FILECOPY to transfer them.

1.4.2 Turnkey BASIC onto your Working disc.

In this case, copy the supplied programs onto your existing disc. Type FILECOPY and follow the instructions. In particular answer N to the question:

Ambiguous file name: Confirm individual files (Y/N)?

The FILECOPY program will inform you of the filenames as they are copied. You can then run the new application program from your upgraded working disc.

1.5 Turnkey CP/M Discs

The CP/M operating system allows you to load and run an immense library of software which has already been written for personal computers that support CP/M. The fundamental 'logic' of these programs has already been devised; all that is required to use them on your CPC464 is to establish them on a suitable diskette and maybe to inform them of the particular method that the CPC464 uses to operate the screen.

A set of programs on one disc designed to fulfil a specific application is called a 'package'. These packages are normally designed to work on a large range of different computers, each of which has its own size of screen and way of moving the cursor around. Sometimes the package you buy will have already been 'installed' for the CPC464 or cater for it in a menu of alternative installations. In these cases, simply follow the instructions provided with the software. If the package does not have a CPC464 variant built in then section 1.5.2 ahead indicates the commands that can be sent to the CPC464 screen to produce the sorts of effects that packages require. Normally the installation, or customisation procedure will involve typing in the relevant codes when requested to. Again, follow the instructions provided with the package.

The software you have purchased must be on a disc suitable for use in the CPC464. Almost every different computer uses a different form of disc. Although many have the same size of disc this does not necessarily mean that there is any compatability between one and another in the information contained on them. Ask your supplier for a 3”' AMSTRAD CPC464 version.

1.5.1 Creating a Turnkey CP/M System disc.

It is wise to preserve the original master disc containing the new software package and transport the programs to another disc.

Chapter 1.3

AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface DDI-1 Manual

Page 31
Image 31
Amstrad DDI-1 manual Turnkey CP/M Discs, Turnkey Basic using disc supplied, Turnkey Basic onto your Working disc