Returns the state of either joystick 0 or 1. The positions of the joystick are indicated as follows:
Value returned | Meaning |
255 | Nothing pressed |
0 | Up |
1 | Up and right |
2 | Right |
3 | Down and right |
4 | Down |
5 | Down and left |
6 | Left |
7 | Up and left |
?paddle 0 255
The fire buttons are tested by buttonp.
(read character) Outputs the first character typed at the keyboard.
?make "key rc
(then press X key)
(read list) Outputs a list that contains a line typed at the keyboard; input must be followed by a carriage return.
?make "instr_list rl repeat 4[fd 50 rt 90] ?:instr_list
[repeat 4[fd 50 rt 90]]
(read quote) Outputs a word that contains a line typed at the keyboard; input must be followed by a carriage return.
?make "command rq repeat 3[fd 60 rt 120] ?:command
repeat 3[fd 60 rt 120]
AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface | Chapter 4.20 |