10 DIM colour(2)

20 MODE 1:ORIGIN 0,0,0,640,0,400 : REM reset screen

30 dumpfile$="flagdump.srn"

40 FOR i=0 TO 2

50 READ colour(i): REM Get colours from DATA statement

60 INK i,colour(i)


80 OPENOUT "Param.dat"

90 WRITE #9,dumpfile$,1: REM save filename and mode 100 FOR i=0 TO 2

110 WRITE #9,colour(i): REM save colours

120 NEXT i


140 BORDER 0

150 FOR x=-65 TO 60 STEP 2

160 MOVE x,400:DRAWR 24,-150,1

170 MOVE x,O:DRAWR 240,150

180 NEXT x

190 FOR x=575 TO 700 STEP 2

200 MOVE x,400:DRAWR -240,-150

210 MOVE x,O:DRAWR -240,150

220 NEXT x

230 FOR x=-40 TO 0 STEP 2

240 MOVE x,400:DRAWR 240,-150,2

250 NEXT x

260 FOR x=0 TO 40 STEP 2

270 MOVE x,O:DRAWR 240,150

280 NEXT x

290 FOR x=640 TO 680 STEP 2

300 MOVE x,O:DRAWR -240,150

310 NEXT x

320 FOR x=600 TO 640 STEP 2

330 MOVE x,400:DRAWR -240,-150

340 NEXT x

350 ORIGIN 0,0,260,372,0,400:CLG 1

360 ORIGIN 0,0,0,640,150,250:CLG 1

370 ORIGIN 0,0,284,348,0,400:CLG 2

380 ORIGIN 0,0,0,640,169,231:CLG 2

390 SAVE dumpfile$,b,&C000,&4000

400 DATA 2,26,6

Chapter 2.5

AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface DDI-1 Manual

Page 39
Image 39
Amstrad DDI-1 manual Neat, Closeout