Technical information for the user – Firmware
This chapter assumes prior knowledge of the CPC464 firmware.
Some knowledge of the fundamentals of CP/M is also assumed. This chapter does not however attempt to discuss the facilities available in the CP/M environment. Complete information concerning CP/M, the CPC464 CP/M environment and the technical specification of the BIOS is contained in SOFT159 A Guide to CP/M. The Complete Firmware Specification of the Amstrad
5.0 Introduction
AMSDOS is a disc operating system for the AMSTRAD CPC464 fitted with the DDI- 1 floppy disc interface. AMSDOS enables BASIC programs to access disc files in a similar manner to cassette files, indeed existing programs which currently use the cassette should be able to use disc files with little, or no, modification. The main source of incompatability will be file names in that, for AMSDOS, files names must conform to CP/M standards whereas cassette file names are far less restricted.
AMSDOS has been designed to complement CP/M, not to compete with it. They share the same file structure and can read and write each other's files. AMSDOS resides in the same ROM as the CP/M BIOS.
AMSDOS switches the cassette input and output streams (#9) to and from disc. Thus all the facilities available on cassette become available on disc. In addition displaying the disc directory, erasing disc files, renaming disc files, and selecting the default drive and user are also facilitated.
These facilities are implemented either by intercepting the cassette firmware calls or by external commands.
5.1 Headers
Cassette files are subdivided into 2k blocks, each of which is preceded by a header. CP/M files do not have headers. AMSDOS files may, or may not, have a header depending on the contents of the file. This will not cause problems for programs written in BASIC but is an important difference between cassette and disc files. This could perhaps be exploited for a protection scheme.
Chapter 5. | AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface |