Programming the Mio R-4

"^" Button Commands with Embedded Codes



For some of these commands and values, refer to theRGB Values for all 88

Basic Colors table on page 35.

’%CF<on fill color>’ = Set Fill Color.

’%CB<on border color>’ = Set Border Color.

’%CT<on text color>’ = Set Text Color.

’%SW<1 or 0>’ = Show/hide a button.

’%ST<style>’ = Button style.

’%EN<1 or 0>’ = Enable/disable a button.

’%WW<1 or 0>’ = Word wrap ON/OFF.

’%GH<bargraph hi>’ = Set the bargraph upper limit.

’%GL<bargraph low>’ = Set the bargraph lower limit.

’%GN<bargraph slider name>’ = Set the bargraph slider name/Joystick cursor name.

’%GC<bargraph slider color>’ = Set the bargraph slider color/Joystick cursor color.

’%GI<bargraph invert>’ = Set the bargraph invert/noninvert or joystick coordinate (0,1,2,3). ^GIV section on page 59 more information.

’%GU<bargraph ramp up>’ = Set the bargraph ramp up time in intervals of 1/ 10 second.

’%GD<bargraph ramp down>’ = Set the bargraph ramp down time in 1/10 second.

’%GG<bargraph drag increment> = Set the bargraph drag increment. Refer to the ^GDI command on page 59 for more information.

’%OT<feedback type>’ = Set the Feedback (Output) Type to one of the following:

None, Channel,Invert, ON (Always ON), Momentary, or Blink.

’%SM’ = Submit a text for text area button.

’%SF<1 or 0>’ = Set the focus for text area button.

’%OP<0-255>’ = Set the button opacity to either Invisible (value=0) or Opaque (value=255).

’%OP#<00-FF>’ = Set the button opacity to either Invisible (value=00) or Opaque (value=FF).

’%UN<Unicode text>’ = Set the Unicode text. See the^UNI section on

page 64 for the text format.

’%EF<text effect name>’ = Set the text effect.

’%EC<text effect color>’ = Set the text effect color.

’%ML<max length>’ = Set the maximum length of a text area.

’%MK<input mask>’ = Set the input mask of a text area. Example:

SEND_COMMAND Device,"'^BMF-500,1,%B10%CFRed%CB Blue %CTBlack%Ptest.png'"

Sets the button OFF state as well as the Border, Fill Color, Border Color, Text Color, and Bitmap.


Mio Modero R-4

Page 54
Image 54
AMX Mio Modero R-4 manual Cont