APC UPS control system manual Technical Reference Configuration Directive Reference

Models: UPS control system

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Technical Reference

Configuration Directive Reference

Configuration directives in /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf control the behavior of the apcupsd daemon. For most installations it is only necessary to set a handful of general directives. The rest can be left at their defaults unless you have an exotic configuration.

General Configuration Directives

In general, each of these directives is required (ecept that the DEVICE directive is ignored for UPSCABLE ether).

UPSTYPE <type of APC UPS you have> The name of a driver. Should be one of dumb, apcsmart, net, usb, snmp, or test. This de- scribes your interface type.

The UPSTYPE directive can be defined during installation by using the --with-upstype= option of the ./configure program.

UPSCABLE <type of cable you are using>>

[simple 940-0020B 940-0023A ]

[smart 940-0024B 940-0024C ]

[940-1524C 940-0024G 940-0095A 940-0095B 940-0095C 940-0119A]

[ether usb ]

The --with-upscable= option of ./configure can be used to set a default for this directive during the your build.

DEVICE <name of device> Specify which device is used for UPS com- munications. For serial ports, it is usually something like /dev/ttyS0. For USB ports, you may leave the name of the device blank (no speci- fication) and apcupsd will automatically search the standard locations for the UPS.

Normally, the ./configure program will set an appropriate default value. You may also specify the --with-serial-dev= option of the

./configure program to set this directive at build time.

If you have specified UPSTYPE net, then the device name to be specified consists of hostname:port where the hostname is the fully


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APC UPS control system manual Technical Reference Configuration Directive Reference, General Configuration Directives